Drinking Chocolate

elesha, Oct 14, 12:37am
hi can some one please help i want to make my own
dose anyone have a recipe please. have a good night

daisyhill, Oct 14, 2:57am
Just pour hot milk over a few squares of dark chocolate. Add in a bit of vanilla essence and a pinch of salt if you like, and give it all a good stir. Nothing else required!

angel404, Oct 14, 3:30am
I just mix 1/2-1tsp cocoa powder with 1-2tsp sugar with hot water and milk (or just with heated milk).

daleaway, Oct 14, 5:03am
It's usually made of cocoa powder and icing sugar, sometimes with milk powder added. You can make up the proportions to suit your own taste. Some add a dash of vanilla but that is a matter of choice.

village.green, Oct 14, 2:40pm
Depends on how chocolatey you like it.
Sophie Gray has a bulk recipe that is good to keep on hand in a jar.

2 cups milk powder
1/2 cup pure cocoa powder (adjust to your taste)
2 cups icing sugar (or less)
1/4 tsp salt
Combine all ingredients in a bowl and stir until well combined.
Use 1/4 cup powder per cup of boiling water.
Stir thoroughly and sprinkle in a pinch of cinnamon and couple of marshmallows.

elesha, Oct 14, 6:40pm
thank you all so much

lodgelocum, Oct 14, 9:22pm
At one of our local cafes, you are given a mug of hot milk and a "Sante" bar to put in it, delish.

sarahb5, Oct 14, 9:53pm
At one of ours you get your hot chocolate and a Sante bar to stir it with .