Help what to make for freezer

hotstuff111, Sep 15, 8:35am
going away for 3 weeks and need to make meals for 16 year old and 23 year old son . made bacon egg pie, meat balls.

dezzie, Sep 15, 8:57am
meat pies, lasanga, stew (freeze it inice cream containers) or alternatively, buy them a blokes cookbook.
Just leave them with heaps of sausages, bacon, chopsand steak, they'll manage.
A couple of fish pies if they like them would probably be good as well

carlosjackal, Sep 15, 9:18am
Lasagne, meatballs, chicken casserole, potato or kumara gratin - almost anything at all can be cooked and frozen to have at a later date.

daisyhill, Sep 15, 10:08am
This book has some wonderful freezer recipes and is at a huge discount right now:

lythande1, Sep 15, 7:31pm
A 16 yr old and a 23 yr old can't cook!! Why not! My son was cooking meals at 11.

olwen, Sep 15, 8:13pm
Chances are that they would love the opportunity to experiment without mum aroud.Don't smother them but leave some baked beans in the cupboard "just in case"

hotstuff111, Sep 15, 9:51pm
my kids can cook but one has exzamsand goes to sports and first aid ambulance after school each day and are good eatters i dont want them eating junk food and my son works from 7 till 4 so i want to have food in freezer for them .

muffycaz, Sep 15, 10:26pm
Nothing, they should have learnt by now how to cook and fend for themselves.

glenleigh, Sep 15, 10:31pm
God help their future partners.