ok so my chooks seem to have gone in laying overtime, and i found their free range nest, so got twenty eggs today, on top of the ten a day i normally get. so. what to do with them!
also posted in parenting :)
Sep 19, 7:51pm
Fritatta - yum, can load it with veges and uses lots of eggs.
Sep 19, 7:55pm
Sell them, it's not too good to eat too many eggs, Better still -donate to food bank
Sep 19, 7:58pm
we live in a rural town, so although i have a sign at the gate to sell them, so does almost everyone. can't donate to food back as they only take packaged goods. i do give them away to friends by the doz, but still have loads left.
Sep 19, 8:36pm
Make your own pasta - that uses 6 eggs per batch. Some rich choccie cakes use 8+ eggs. Made bacon and egg pie for dinner 2 nights ago - 10 eggs. Poached eggs for brekie or lunch mmmm
Sep 19, 8:49pm
Have a bake-up and freeze lots. Really useful exercise closer to Christmas. I'm sure that I've also read where someone posted on here about freezing eggs in containers- without the shells!
Sep 19, 9:13pm
Whilst on the subject of eggs have any of you seen this. I wish I had thought of it. so easy.
when i wont my eggs seperated i brake the egg in a saucer and cover the yoke witha egg cup and drain the white into what ever i need it for, never fails,
Sep 20, 4:19pm
when i want my eggs seperated i brake the egg in a saucer and cover the yoke with an egg cup and drain the white into what ever i need it for, never fails,
Sep 20, 5:14pm
Um l have 15 dozen yes that is 15 dozen eggs and the hens are laying like crazy and l have been giving them away but not fast enough and making Christmas cakes and anything else that uses lots of eggs
Sep 20, 5:46pm
Well you could store them for a while then throw them at the ex ha ha. Is it possible you could take them into town every so often and get a business, social club or club to sell them.
Sep 20, 5:50pm
Ask a cook- the quickest way to separate an egg is to break it in your hand and let the white slip through you fingers. After a bit of practice you only need one hand for the whole procedure.
Sep 21, 1:32am
Haha my old flatmate was a chef and HATED it when he saw people do that. He said people got crucified in the kitchen if they were caught doing it! Just use the shells and tip the yolk from one half to the other while releasing the white - easy peasy! :)
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