Pepper tree and other apps

tlkin, Sep 23, 4:14am
I have been looking at putting recipes that I google into a recipie book on my iPad. I have been looking at apps and reading comments on here. Pepper tree seems to get mentioned favourably. I have also looked at Recipebook 2 for iPads by cc apps. It isn't free but it does look good. Has any one used it. Or has got a comparison at all! Or another app that is good. I want to do it once and well!

gerry64, Sep 23, 10:09pm
watching this with interest also - hope somebody pops in with their experience - I want to do it properly with a system that really works

tlkin, Sep 24, 5:16am
Maybe I am asking in the wrong forum! Or nobody has an opinion! Or nothing else to add from what has been written!

gerry64, Sep 24, 8:15am
mmm - weird - thought many people would be using their ipad for a recipe haven

mwood, Sep 24, 5:07pm
What's an ipad !, Sep 25, 8:27pm
Try forum, but post in the general chat forum, not the tech questions one.