Homebrand - I bought some the other day by mistake and man alive it is dark and rich and very chocolate-y - made a beautiful chocolate cake!
Aug 25, 12:33am
I believe Cadbury's may have gone to anoher source because of failed crops a few yeas back, but I may be incorrect about that! I agree with you lizzi_mc-Homebrand (from Countdown) is certainly darker. I like it!
Aug 25, 12:33am
yeah I agree homebrand from countdown
Aug 25, 12:42am
I use Pams from Pak n Save and also find it very good. Cadburys has gone to the dogs.
Aug 25, 1:42am
I use Pam's or Trade Aid as I try to be a conscious consumer when I can afford to, not a fan of Cadbury and like Nestle even less. Haven't tried homebrand yet.
Aug 25, 1:58am
Agree with Homebrand. It is great.
Aug 25, 2:07am
Always personal taste. I use Blooker cocoa and Vahlrona.
Aug 25, 2:15am
I agree homebrand out of the standard supermarket available ones - used to use nestle but rubbish now, sunvalley is rubbish. I should buy some more expensive sorts one day and compare
Aug 25, 4:12am
Home brand by far.There have been numerous threads on this and home brand comes out a definite winner in the supermarket range for colour richness, flavour and price.If you can't find it on the shelf look in with the tea and coffee products.
Aug 25, 4:12am
Home Brand definately.
Aug 25, 4:18am
Homebrand for me too.
Aug 25, 5:18am
me 3!
Aug 25, 5:31am
Homebrand for me too- have been putting it into Dutch Gold Cocoa container - no one in the family has noticed the difference!
Aug 25, 5:33am
Pams for me. Good flavour, cheap and comes in a convenient container.
Aug 25, 6:20am
I use Nestle Baking Cocoa and have always find it very good.
Aug 25, 4:15pm
You can buy a good quality Dutch cocoa here on Trademe too. Much nicer than Blooker's.
Aug 25, 4:45pm
Thank you for that. The Cadburys cocoa is so pale and looks like they' ve put drinking chocolate in the packets instead of cocoa. The pudding I made still turned out OK but I put heaps of cocoa in. Will get Homebrand next time.
Aug 25, 5:24pm
Homebrand for me too but I transfer it into an old Pams plastic cocoa container as the bag and box combo with the Homebrand is messier to use and I get cocoa everywhere just trying to get it out.
Aug 25, 5:41pm
Homebrand is outstanding.I also buy a packet of Vahlrona occasionally for birthday cakes for the one or two people who like recipes using dutch process cocoa.
Aug 26, 1:48am
l am also a homebrand fan after someone recommended it on here and won't use anything else for now
Aug 26, 2:02am
I noticed with my newly opened nestle tin that my biscuits wr paler than usual. Dissapointing as it was always first choice, now i will try homebrand.
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