Do you HAVE to pasteurize the milk! (im using raw)
Aug 29, 1:14am
No. Commercial cheese is pasteurised because it is law. European cheeses that have not been pasteurised are highly prized.
Aug 29, 1:46am
Ok phew. I really didn't wanna ruin the milk. Nom Nom Nom cant wait to make some feta this weekend!
Aug 29, 1:58am
Also raw milk gives the cheese more depth of flavour angel.Compare a shop cheese with your own and there's no comparison.
Aug 29, 1:59am
howcanyouruinthemilkasonlyheating to thetemp theysay i havejustmadequarkandgoudabothturnedoutgreat
Aug 29, 2:01am
Pasteurising tends to standardise the flavour.Tastes quite boring compared to raw milk cheese.
Aug 29, 2:14am
What vmax said coz i want real yumo cheese and also heating it to above 40degrees C will kill off enzymes.
Sep 13, 11:27pm
So anyway I'm making up a batch of camembert. I need to keep it at 10degrees C for a month. How do i maintain that!!
Sep 13, 11:39pm
Simply keep it near the bottom of your fridge should suffice, I always do but ensure it is well wrapped either in foil or cheese paper.
Sep 13, 11:42pm
you shouldhavewatchcheeseslicestodayonchoice tvtheymadethat going tostartgoudasaturday
Sep 13, 11:43pm
Next time try a combination of blue and white.
Just gives that uniqueness of a bit of blue within.
The best cheese to do is a brie especially around 200mm in diametre.
Also a Blue Stilton type cheese is quite easy and more rewarding.
Sep 13, 11:46pm
justcheckedmybookandsaysin thebottomoffridgeandplace acutappleto helpraise thehumidityand can becoveredin waxpaperoncethesurfaceiscoveredin whitemould
Sep 13, 11:47pm
Ok thanks guys. I have cheese paper so will wrap with that.
Sep 13, 11:58pm
I put mine in the coldest bedroom in the house on a rack to drain any remaining whey and then covered in a large cloth to keep the flies out.Works well.Not enough room in my fridge with lots of milk, yoghurt, sauerkraut, cheese etc.
Sep 14, 1:54am
Thats what im thinking aye - got a 5 litre container of milk in there at the moment so the fridge is chocca. Im sure Ill work something out! eekkk hopefully!
Sep 14, 2:36am
I have had flies in my cheese in the bedroom and then maggots, yuk.So now I'm very careful that I put a huge cloth over the top of the cheese and wrap it right around.
Sep 14, 2:50am
In my instructions it tells me to keep it in an airtight (but moist) box and open it a few times a week to let air in. Hopefully this should prevent maggots from showing up! eeww!
Sep 14, 4:32am
I use the roasting dish which has a rack in it and then put a plastic 'cake tin' over the top to cover it and create the condensation.I thought that would be enough but those flies are sneaky.
Sep 14, 6:07am
one ofmybookssaysachillieboxto storecheesein
Sep 14, 5:01pm
I have an inbuilt Fire and is oine of the best places to place cheeses for that initial time before the fridge. It is the closest I can think of replicating a cave, LOL.
Yep, chilly bin is good. put one or two wee containers of water then a folded Sushi Roll mat above then the cheeses then into a coldish darkish spot.
I think the biggest thing with Camenbert cheese is "not to make them big" if too big then it can get a little messy if not done right, and by personal experience - straight into the fridge and to rotate - air it - reseal process over a few weeks,hopes this helps.
Editing to add that Flies do not like the colder areas, one of the very good reasons with "Heat Pumps" during the summer hot days - no flies around. Cheers.
Sep 14, 10:26pm
Well currently my cheeses are in a "sistema" snaplock container - its just on the bench atm.
Sep 16, 7:29am
My maturing cheeses are all waxed cheddar,flavoured cheddars,parmesan,havarti,goud- a maasdam, swiss nad kept i the garage where it is camemberts,bries and stiltons are kept in a spare fridge that sits at about 7degrees .So far they have all turn out great
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