Was given a wild pork I think its a boar and my uncle said its very strong, is there any thing you can add to make it not so strong.
Aug 10, 3:15am
Put a mix of dry mustard and brown sugar over the top,
Aug 10, 6:22am
Heard the lady on live yesterday say add peppercorns, bay leaf & bring to boil then keep on low boil for couple of hours (guess this would depend on weight of meat) Have you checked Google for recipes! Like cornbeef, I'd change water 1/2 way through.
Aug 10, 7:37am
Its a roast.
Aug 10, 8:15am
same as you cook a leg of lamb but only longer and lower heat cover with herbs and golden syrip strpong smell will always be there thats wild pork yum yum going hunting tomorrow for some with dogs
Aug 10, 9:28am
can you bone the pork out. then make a stuffing, onion,breadcrumbs,egg, lemon pepper and a small can of crushed pineapple and juice. seems to take away the game taste. sprinkle lemon pepper on top of pork.
Aug 10, 9:29am
yes, but she said to boil so ok cook as #5 says. good eating.
Aug 10, 9:40am
Its a leg roast.
Aug 10, 9:45am
Wild pork in the camp oven.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
Aug 10, 10:00am
cook slowly in oven in water and apple juice
Aug 11, 4:08am
It won't be nasty strong just a smidge gamey. If you don't like how strong it is all you can do is mask its strength by cooking it with whatever you cook other meat with. Cut a small piece off and fry it and see if you like it and if you do just cook it whichever is your preferred way.
Aug 11, 4:39am
for really gamey meat, we used to soak it in milk with a couple of slices of kiwifruit in the milk, leave it for a day, it will take most of the strong flavours out :)Then wrap in pork flare, in two layers of tinfoil and put in the slow cooker for about 5 hours (depending on the size).
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