Soy sauce

mywomble, Aug 9, 8:48pm
I am making a marinade for our fajitas for dinner tonight and just opened my bottle of soy sauce and it went Pfffft! at me.Does it go off!It is not passed its used buy date.Also if it is off what can i use in place of it!The marinade is only orange juice, pineapple juice and soy sauce., Aug 9, 8:58pm
As it is a fermented product there could be a gas build up! not sure. Maybe smell and taste it to see if it's ok.

mywomble, Aug 9, 9:00pm
it smells a little bit funny.maybe/ im not really sure.

245sam, Aug 9, 9:09pm
mywomble, IMO if in doubt, don't use i.e. if you're not sure/happy about the smell of the sauce (or basically anything).
Do you have any Worcestershire sauce!Your marinade wouldn't have quite the same flavour with Worcestershire sauce as it would with soy sauce but IMO it would be your best alternative.

Hope that helps.:-))

dalkemade, Aug 9, 9:31pm
I have found that some brands ferment easily, especially the ones with an Asian name. Highmark is fine.

mywomble, Aug 9, 10:10pm
Hi again, I decided because I was not sure I would give it a miss and used Worchestershire sauce snap 245sam. Hopefully its not to hot for my fussy kids.

mywomble, Aug 10, 2:19am
It tasted GOOD!

245sam, Aug 10, 3:00am
Well done mywomble.:-))

obsidianwings, Aug 10, 1:36pm
I have had this happen a few times, first time I biffed it outas I was nervous, but ever since have just used it and it was fine.

obsidianwings, Aug 10, 1:37pm
I use highmark by the way.

angel404, Aug 10, 5:09pm
I use Kikkomans and Ive never had it do the fizz sound. But this is naturally brewed and has no preservatives in it. Highmark is chemically made and contains preservatives. I wonder if this could be the difference!

dalkemade, Aug 10, 6:36pm
Interesting. I found Kikkomans was one of the ones that fermented.

destiny6nz, Aug 10, 7:17pm
the only thing I have replaced soy with is marmite (my mother used marmite in her gravys not soy sauce).

mywomble, Aug 10, 8:25pm
I cant actually remember what sort it was, had a red label with gold writing I think.Will get some more and have to try the marinade with soy sauce.It was really nice with Worchestershire sauce.Just mixed pineapple juice, orange juice and Worchestershire sauce, added sliced up snitzel and let it sit for a few hours.Then browned it and added caps and red onion then chucked the whole lot into some wraps with salad and lite sour cream.Yum.

obsidianwings, Aug 10, 8:42pm
The label sounds like highmark, which I have had the noise with, has always been fine, might be related to pantry temperature! I'm just guessing though.