If you were to make a toastie pie

rainrain1, Jul 25, 1:09am
with cheese and spring onion, what else would be nice inside there!

holly-rocks, Jul 25, 1:16am
tomatoe relish

shellz213, Jul 25, 1:17am
Some smoked chicken with sweet chilli sauce.

rainrain1, Jul 25, 1:17am
no smoked chicken.liking the relish so far

tigeraptor2001, Jul 25, 1:27am
could you fit more in!

lx4000, Jul 25, 1:30am

bella95, Jul 25, 1:31am
Creamed corn, cheese and spring onion with lots of black pepper.
MMMMmmm. Think that's what I'll have for tea. No spring onion in the house though.

dice4, Jul 25, 1:31am
mashed potato!

rainrain1, Jul 25, 1:50am
hell yea

viv130, Jul 25, 2:14am
Ham, tomato, cooked bacon!

tigeraptor2001, Jul 25, 2:19am
not me! i put in too much cheese!

ayglepaygle, Jul 25, 2:24am
That's my favourite filling!

rainrain1, Jul 25, 2:45am
I had brrrrrrown bread, tomato relish, cheese and spring onion, and it was so good, dam!