I'm 40 and have just had a check up and my cholesterol is through the roof and I need to get it down preferably with diet rather than on drugs. I kind of have my head around what I need to cut out and eat more of but I would love recipes for main meals for a family of 6. Thanks in advance!
Apr 11, 6:51pm
Switch from industrial vegie oils to real animal fats. . decrease your carbohydrates and up your saturated fat intake and get a hold of a copy of this book
And come and visit this website and forum (cafe)! http://www.lowcarbcooking.co.nz/
Apr 11, 6:56pm
And the food lies thread! and the Coconut Oil thread!
Apr 12, 4:26am
Dont see why you would up your sat. fats thats a no no been there and done that as I have had heart attack and I do know that sat. fat is the worst one so you have to watch the intake there.
Apr 12, 4:43am
Junk, I'd suggest you reduce the amount of red meat you eat, switching to fish and chicken for the meats you do eat, and introducing your family to some of the nourishing meals in this thread: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Community/MessageBoard/Messages. asp x? id=110 If your plate is roughly half leafy vegies, quarter starch, and quarter protein, you're about right.
Apr 12, 5:11am
wrong :o)
You believe what most do because thats what you have been told. . follow the link above and start reading learning and getting healthy :o)
Apr 12, 4:21pm
The Facts:
To date there has been not one definitive research result that categorically shows that saturated fats increase your risk of heart attack. But this is irrelevant and an easily dismissed fact. So here are some others.
If you do not get enough dietary cholesterol, your body will make it. That's right, you body will make exactly the amount of cholesterol you need whether you, or your doctor likes it or not. It makes it from all the carbohydrates you are being advised to eat. Those same carbohydrates are what your body stores as fat and which clog your arteries.
Apr 12, 4:24pm
Another fact.
Of the two definitive researches into dietary fat and cholesterol, their was not only no definitive proof that dietary cholesterol raised lipid levels in your bloodstream, but it was found that more women in one trial died of heart disease than those in the control group. The conclusion reached was that lowered cholesterol caused heart disease in women not the other way round.
Apr 12, 4:27pm
You cannot produce sex hormones without fat. As a woman ages, she naturally produces less and less estrogen. That same hormone is what keeps us fit, lithe, slows aging and prevents many health problems. The body's response to this is to raise cholesterol levels in older women so that enough estrogen and can be produced to maintain health.
Apr 12, 4:31pm
Our brains are 70%fat. All the nerve cells in our brain are protected and insulated by a layer of fat. All the nerve ending in our bodies are protected and insulated by a layer of fat. That fat is called myelin. Alter the chemical make up, or strength and thickness of myelin and you alter the permeability of the cells it is protecting. This has profound effects on the transportation of viruses, bacteria, blood sugar, proteins, hormones and tumour causing agents into and out of these cells.
Lower cholesterol increases your risk of disease, including the chronic and deadly heart and cancer diseases.
Apr 12, 4:33pm
Buzzy - it would be great if you could post this info in the Cholesterol thread in the Cafe on our website. Would be much appreciated - please!
Apr 12, 4:35pm
In one of the definitive studies on dietary cholesterol the incidence of death by cancer was increased. In the control group death by cancer was 31 people whilst in the control group it was 17.
Apr 12, 4:37pm
When you see your doctor next, ask him/her to quote at least 3 pieces of research that found that lowering dietary cholesterol caused a lowering in heart and vascular disease beyond a shadow of a doubt and proved that lowering cholesterol increased your life expectancy. There actually aren't any.
It has been found that men may get some benefit, but it outcome for women is slightly worse.
Apr 12, 4:40pm
Take a look at pictures of groups of people in America before 1945. These people would have eaten a diet that typically got 41% of their calories from dietary fat, including saturated fat and yet they were much slimmer than people of today and their average life expectancy was 67, which included all deaths from disease, child birth and accidents.
Apr 12, 4:42pm
Junk I seriously hope you will watch the brilliant lecture "sugar the bitter truth" you can find it on youtube. It will explain in medical and lay terms what you should avoid, and it will give you ample discussion material for your next dr's visit.
Good luck with your health, I hope you find the path that will work for you.
Anybody that still believe the saturated fat cause heart disease, here is the 2009 data once again. Naturally everybody will have to make up their own minds on what to believe: http://www.ajcn.org/cgi/content/abstract/ajcn. 2009. 27725v1
Apr 12, 4:48pm
Certainly bedazzled. I am working up to this and as I have so much information I don't know where to start. This time round I want to be more accurate and more organised in how I present this information or people's eyes will just glaze over.
The sad thing about all this is that you get people who will continue to believe the myth that saturated dietary fat goes directly from their mouth to their arteries and then into their vascular system and as layers of fat around their organs and body. The sheer idiocy of this belief defies logic. Why don't they know that all foods taken in are converted by our bodies into usable components and the rest is discarded, unless it is a dietary poison like fructose, in which case it is converted to VLDL and banked for future heart and vascular problems.
If it went straight from mouth to storage then we would all have the DNA of animals and plants in our bodies, which of course we don't.
Apr 12, 4:56pm
jaybee. Your heart problems weren't caused by fat. They were caused by all the fat creating carbs you stuffed yourself with all these years. Bread, potatoes, alcohol, sweet baked goods, stody pastas, breakfast cereals from a packet, porridge, fruit juice, fizzy drinks, green top milk and all the other foods that are promoted as good for you that would have caused a massive clogging of your vascular system and build up of fats around you organs, including your heart.
If you then added fats to the mix, then those fats would have been in excess of all the fats you were making from these carbohydrates. Those fats, instead of being converted to triglycerides and then sent to organs and muscle to provide energy and power for functions and the excess excreted, the triglycerides would have met with all the excess insulin you had roaming around your body looking for sugars and fats and been stored.
So cut the crap in your and keep the fat, protein, add plenty of leafy vegetables and a little bit of fruit and cheese and you'll be healthier than you have ever been.
Apr 12, 5:02pm
White meat is not as good for you as red meat. Ruminant animals convert grass to the perfect combination of the essential fats which are omega 6 and 3. We cannot make amino acids that come from eating this meat but it is vital for cell repair and growth. They only way we can get it is by eating it.
So my advice is to limit your intake of chicken to once a week and choose, instead beef and lamb. You will be healthier for it.
I recommend cooking in fresh, home rendered lard. It has more polyunsaturated fats than olive oil and about 20% less of the breast cancer causing monounsaturated fat. It has a higher saturated fat component but we also need that for our health, not the other way round. It has a much higher smoke temperature than all the oils and so won't so readily turn into the dangerous trans fats of other oils.
Apr 12, 5:07pm
However, you could just take the advice of other posters who have mindlessly sucked up the entirely false and misleading propaganda about dietary fats and that is your choice.
For what it is worth I have given you the briefest of briefest insights into why you should be eating plenty of fats, and lower your carb intake to what was once considered typical. I have very briefly explained why chickens are not brilliant but do add necessary variety. Fish is good.
The rest is up to you. You can continue to be ignorant and let other ignorant posters advise you and put all the responsibility for your health in the hands of your doctor who doesn't really care about you or your family, or you can go out there and educate yourself. The choice is yours.
Apr 12, 5:15pm
While I agree with all what maxwell. inc. , bedazzled, marielize and buzzy wrote above (and I personally never even had my cholesterol levels checked) - I realize that poster1 might not want to change everything so dramatically (as suggested above) if he/she is convinced that a low cholesterol diet will make a difference - which in the experience of many of my friends - it didn't.
As junk hasn't been back I wonder if just providing some recipes would be what he/she needs, rather than "lecturing" - of which some of us have been accused here in the last year?
So because I myself am not worried about eating low cholesterol because I know that my body is capable of making much more than I could ever eat (or cut out) - and also because I do not see cholesterol as a problem - I had to resort to google to get to any recipes.
What struck me was a website which is called "heart-healthy-living&quo- t; which has lots of "low cholesterol recipes" plus tips on how to lower your cholesterol even further.
I think myself that a low cholesterol level is an invitation to even more trouble and bad health - but in the meantime junk might want to peruse it:
good luck Junk with getting it lower . Do you exercise at all ?
Apr 12, 5:16pm
At the end of the day it would be really nice if junk could come back into this thread and tell us if - what we all have written - and some people seem to have taken considerable time and effort - had some "effect" on his/her decisions - or if anything has made him/her start to think along different lines maybe - or even considering to question her doctor/dietician?
So junk - please do give us all some feedback!
Apr 12, 5:28pm
Oh FGS if junk ever shows her face in her thread again she has more guts than the fatty creatures most of you lot slaughter and ram down your garrulous mouths. Let's see, how many high fatties does it take to ruin a trader's thread? Let's count... . FIVE.
Apr 12, 5:29pm
Good balance Uli. Hats off to you!
I think we all know that there's heaps of similar info and recipes out there. Others of us want to play devil's advocate if you like and offer a view that may be new to people. And yes, it would be good if Junk popped back in to report back.
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