Assisting at an event later this month and we are tossing the idea around that for $5 per person you can have a bowl of soup or2 and a roll/slice of bread and prehaps a muffin or! with coffee. I am thinking Vegetable soup with Rice base so its suitable for Gluten Free people but what other soups are suitable for the masses which can be frozen afterwards if needed. Also would you pay $5 for it! Ideally a pizza slab or a dozen or two would be good but its all got to pay for its self and the people would have sat for the whole afternoon listening to talks.
cheese rolls,very economical,and everyone loves them. obviously not a soup,lol,but you mentioned pizza and i got distracted,lol.
Jun 3, 6:25am
What sort of event,!
Church meeting, yes Corporate event, no
If you decide on your soup, I have a recipe book for fifty servings can assist with quantity
Jun 3, 1:14pm
I had a cup of creamy curry soup of some sort (with coconut milk, Thai or Vietnamese flavourings, very fresh and delish) at Woolston Farmer's Market not long ago -- it was $4 for a small paper coffee cup size, but it was SO good that I felt I was getting good value. Gluten-free, dairy free, vegan, etc etc.
Jun 3, 1:22pm
Another option would be pumpkin soup. Good old Edmonds cookbook has a tried & true curry flavoured recipe. I get about 15 serves from 1/2 a pumpkin, so wouldn't cost too much for ingredients. You could serve with spinach popovers (like a muffin but with no flour).
Jun 3, 6:35pm
For 200 people, I would be serving allergy food (is that is what it is called) and then have a separate dish which is availablefor those who need gluten free
Jun 3, 10:01pm
i would be ok with soup. as for allergy free food. has anyone requested that.If not i wouldn't panic about that or do 2 flavours and one could suit the needs of those that have intollerence (sp). If they are truly allergic they would be bringing there own food. Im in catering and find it seems to be more of a lifestyle choice.
Oh God how I wish the special diet was a lifestyle choice! Helpful caterer!
Jun 14, 4:35am
I understand a little of what Paula says. I was in event managementfor 10 years and I remember one lady on a 2 day course insisting on gluten free all weekend, every meal she was presented with her personal option. then at cocktails she was tucking into all the hor deuvres like. samosa's pastries and her "gluten free' platter went untouched.On the other hand I have several coeliac friends and relatives, and they do take alot of there own food due to the results of careles caterers who say its gluten freen and its been contaminated somehow.
Jun 19, 4:48pm
Most caterers are really good when they understand the real reasons and many locally bend over backwards to help my daughter out. However, I totally understand your comments. I know a lady who goes to functions and insists on GF foods for her health and then drinks beer in the bar afterwards! What ******** me off most was that just after my daughter was diagnosed she would keep telling me how easy going GF is!
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