To be fair both those girls should have gone. End of story.
May 31, 5:17am
Not in either my opinion or the opinion of the show
May 31, 4:46pm
Tony did the Right Thing speaking up.Rules are Rules & The Ladies broke Them & should have been disqualifed & sent home. Then there should have been a Playoff between Tony & Brenton. Good on Simon Gault for offering him a Job. Really gt Guy. Tony Deserves to win Masterchef now.
May 31, 5:15pm
Wow, didn't expect such a lot of replies !( & Hi Dezzie :) I still don't have a problem with what the girls did, I don't think they were trying to get away with anything, and with all the nastiness that goes on with a lot of these type of shows, when I saw them swap my first & honest thought was how nice it was to see them act like friendly adults & then when Tony 'ratted' them out he, to me, came across as a right Pratt & actually looked like he enjoyed it. As for if they did or didn't break a rule, I guess only Masterchef can say if they had been told that they could NOT swap . !
May 31, 5:39pm
Wake up Fetish. They broke the rules. Tony did the right thing.
May 31, 7:52pm
I think this whole swap thing being edited and televised the way it was, has done exactly what the producers hoped it would do for the ratings and got people talking about the show!
it would be interesting to see how it all went off without the careful editing!
May 31, 8:14pm
Exactly, a set up to get ratings back up.
May 31, 8:45pm
The rule of that test was " source your ingredients from the market"
May 31, 8:53pm
People are dissing Tony, but Ana has had here comments cut really badly.
She was presented with a bitter and nasty response. I think it is Tv cutting for the story line. But still
May 31, 10:56pm
lf it was a sports game and it was done to our team then l think people would feel differently and it is a competition after all for $100,000 l don't watch it as it is not real it is cut to bits and made for tv
May 31, 11:51pm
Everyone seems to forget that when questioned about the ingrediants, chelsea immediately owned up to forgetting lemon grass at the market and Ana said she didnt forget anything until the judges said about the fish sauce. She blatantly lied and then had the nerve to turn on Tony. The judges most likely saw them swap and someone would have had an eye on who had what , just because Tony was honest he is being punished for it by all the hateful comments.
Jun 1, 12:36am
The camera crew certainly saw and recorded everything!
It would be surprising if the judges didn't have a hand in the final director's cut, even if only to make sure that their best profiles were showing or the less attractive parts of their bodies not too exposed ;)
Jun 1, 1:56am
If the boot was on the other foot I bet the girls would of said something. Like someone said if you forget your things in the pantry you can go back. Good on you Tony, sad to see Brenton go.Wonder who will win !
Jun 1, 2:51am
Rules are rules, he did the right thing .its a competition and they broke the rules
Jun 1, 3:17am
The rules have always been that when you are doing the pantry run (or in this case the market run) to get your ingredients, if you forget anything TOUGH LUCK. The girls knew that. I am sure it was just an oversight by them at the time of the swap, if they had more time, they would have realise but Tony is not in the wrong - he was being honest when asked the question by the judges. Don't tell me honesty isn't PC anymore either.
Jun 1, 6:00am
It's a reality show,soof course it's edited & cut to cause drama and tension etc. Never been keen on Tony so wasn't surprised that he 'narked' but it's a competition so I probably would have done the same. Chelsea should have gone ages ago but of course every reality program needs a young good looking woman .
Jun 1, 6:21am
lol. especially this one. Fact is chelsea should have gone home on the back of the airline meal. She didnt. so rules are obviously flexible.
Jun 1, 3:53pm
fully agree charlieb2, but now I want her to win
Jun 1, 4:25pm
I missed it all . what happened, please!
Jun 1, 8:02pm
Chelsea forgot to pick up Lemongrass and Ana forgot Fish Sauce, both important for their challenge recipes.They did a swap and Tony, clearly miffed at the rule-breaking with $100,000 prize at stake, reported them.
The cameras and the crew caught it all of course, so regardless of whether he'd reported them, it would have come to light.
There was no penalty imposed, except that the girls didn't get to go to aspecial dinner.
Jun 1, 9:53pm
More thoughts from me, lol. they have floor 'producers' dont they, that make sure all rules are followed!Surely the swap was spotted, so why didnt a producer stop it before the ingredients were used, if it was against the rules!
Jun 1, 10:01pm
Because it made good TV to have Tony tell on them, to have one of them try to deny it, to make lots of ads for the programme to get people to watch the episode and finally so they could choose to do nothing and appear all powerful
Result - lots of people talking about the programme, more publicity, potentially more viewers, more revenue for commercials.
Or am I just a complete cynic!
Jun 1, 11:01pm
You are insightful and super-aware as a consumer!
Jun 1, 11:30pm
You may be cynical, but a very astute cynic .I think you've hit the nail on the head.
Jun 1, 11:30pm
I would put money on it the girls would've done the same thing, if they caught the guys doing it.
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