I made nachos for tea - the block of cheese I bought to grate over them was more expensive than the mince!
Apr 10, 4:25am
I know! , a kilo does not even last a week here, but I would rather the kids snack on slices of cheese than potato chips
Apr 10, 4:32am
Well, luckily for me, my kids don't really like cheese - ham's cheaper and lasts longer!
Apr 10, 6:11am
I believe it is all related to the export price. The exporters will always want to get the highest price so if we want to buy NZ meat and dairy products in our local supermarket we have to pay the equivialent of the export price otherwise they will just send it all overseas. I may not have explained that very well but I hope that helps.
Apr 10, 4:58pm
Cheese is a made product, and the mature cheddars for instance take up to 3 years to mature. Meat, you just kill your animal and it's ready to go.
Apr 10, 5:31pm
Then perhaps garryb can explain to me why cheddar cheese is much cheaper in Australia as it is in NZ. Having lived in Australia for many years I take a bit of an interest in the price of cheese in NZ. Every week I still get the Safeway (Woolworths) grocery specials through my hotmail address. I am still being offered 1kg of cheddar cheese at $8. 99 - and it is the Mainland brand!
Apr 10, 5:41pm
Is that Aussie Dollar Pogram? - if so then you're paying the same as us... $8. 99AUD at todays ex $11. 79NZD ... In fact you would be paying more than I pay. . every week there is at least one of the good brands of cheese down here on special for $7. 99-8. 99kg ($6. 09AUD & $6. 86AUD)
Apr 10, 5:44pm
never- never -have I paid more than 7. 99 for cheese. It freezes well remember? So when it is on special-- go for it
Apr 10, 6:57pm
I have news for you. The stuff sent overseas is cheaper for those countries. The stuff you buy here is much more expensive.
Apr 10, 7:05pm
lol I always find comparing our food prices to overseas ones an interesting passtime, online shopping brochures make it easier.
Try my USA supermarket site if you are bored http://shaws. shoplocal.com/shaws/default. aspx? action=entryfl ash&adref=shaws if it asks for a zip code, use 06040
Apr 10, 9:00pm
Where can you buy 1kg of tasty for $7. 99 or $8. 99? Can't get it for that price in New Plymouth. And whilst you can freeze it, it is only good for cooking with once it's defrosted - try and slice it for sandwiches or grate it and it just becomes a gluggy mess.
Apr 10, 9:03pm
I saw it at Countdown today for $8. 99 which is the lowest price I have seen it for some time. I haven't seen it for $7. 99 for ages. I did get some really cheap once at Pak N Save and it was a brand I had never heard of - had the texture of plastic. I guess though you can get a lot of meals out of 1 kilo of cheese - I am sure you didn't use all of it on your nachos as tempting as that could be lol! We are having nachos tonight and I wanted an avocado but they have jumped up in price now so we will do without.
Apr 10, 9:07pm
I never said I buy tasty? and No you wouldnt expect to get Tasty that cheap. . I buy mild or colby. I've never seen Tasty cheaper than $10 a block. . but then. . I wasn't talking about 'Tasty' LOL
I also never mentioned freezing... but... grate it first. . then freeze... then its free flow and fine for putting on sammys or anything else.
Apr 10, 9:10pm
Oops - the $8. 99 was for Edam/Colby/etc.
Apr 10, 9:23pm
I stick with proper aged cheddar like Mainland Epicure. It has actual taste and you don't need anywhere near as much for that reason. Crap cheese - you might as well eat plastic.
Apr 10, 9:51pm
I am getting my info from a large dairy food manufacturer who supplies us with our cheese products at work. But who knows, they may have been lying but I tend to believe people in the industry.
Apr 10, 10:23pm
I only get cheese on special pac n save usually under $9. Got tasty cheese at pie factory shop in P. N for $8. 99/ kilo block - holiday special:)
Apr 10, 11:28pm
Yep you have explained that very well indeed :)
Apr 11, 1:17am
sarahb5, on the Mainland, I regularly buy a kilo of Edam for $7. 99 and freeze an extra one. It crumbles a little on slicing or grating but is certainly not 'gluggy'.
Apr 26, 11:20pm
Around a year or so ago the prices for the range of cheese were up around $13 a Ikg block. AT that price for most families it is becoming a bit of a luxury item. A bit out of kilter for a country rich in dairy produce I would think. I did notice however this pricing didn't last too long and all of a sudden we were seeing it on supermarket shelves around the $10 mark and now consistently seems to be at my local Pak N Save at $8. 99 for most brands - albeit not Tasty.
Apr 27, 12:03am
It was $8. 99 KG at Wairau Rd Pak N' Save last week. Back to either $10. 49 or $10. 99 today. Grating then freezing is best Sarah [with Tasty anyway] Otherwise it crumbles in chunks when you try and slice.
Mar 9, 11:01am
While mince might only cost around $6-$10/Kg the more expensive cuts are much more expensive than cheese.
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