why should everyone go without sugar because a few ppl can`t control their portion sizes or excersize !
Mar 11, 5:03am
Yes I agree, that is like banning alcohol because some abuse it - hic,
Mar 11, 5:05am
'Moonshine Sugar'. now there's an entrepreneurial opportunity after prohibition ;)
Mar 11, 5:07am
A new opening for us there elliehen!
Mar 11, 2:13pm
nothing stopping you from doing that. In Japan coke etc is sweetened used stevia. In the US it will not happen as too many farners depend on govt subsidies for growing sugar beet & sugar cane. Plus think of all the medicine, doctors (diabetes) it helps to employ.then lawyers that help the fatties to sue the companies. Bit like wheat . That is why the us schools have prescribed amount of bread and sugar. You can make own jams (just have to call them fruit spreads ) with reduced or no sugar.and also bake without it.
Mar 11, 2:24pm
I find I need to stew my own fruit nowadays because everything on the shelves is in light syrup and tastes like water. Some things need the sugar put back in them.
Mar 11, 2:26pm
Sugar is not a drug and is not addictive. However, yes people eat a lot of sugary products nowadays, once upon a time we didn't. Personally I can live without it, I don't like cake, can't see the necessity to make sugared concoctions with fruit, but that's just me.
Mar 11, 2:40pm
try to cut out sugar completely.you eill get a nasty withdrawal feelings.I did take part in sugarfree experiment few years ago in the uk.you'd be surprised how much you would sufffer and how crap you would feel cutting all sugar out for few weeks.
Mar 11, 2:49pm
Here you go - the dock that screened in Australia last night. There are two parts to it. This one features Peter FitzSimons and Jamie Oliver -
http://au.news.yahoo.com/sunday-night/features/article/-/13058226/sweet-poison/ Of course by cutting out sugar, you're cutting back on all the junk stuff that gets put in mouths (I won't call it food) and that means also reduing highly processed seed oils and flour, cereals and grains as well. Make up your own minds. We all have to find what works best for us as individuals.
Mar 11, 4:50pm
Yes, that's fair comment, but 'cut back', rather than 'cut out', is more workable advice for most people.
Mar 11, 5:10pm
Sugar does need to be cut back on but if you remove sugar from recipes it will prob need a replacement such as artificial sweeteners which can be worse for you. I would rather stick to sugar in my recipes and cut back on it elsewhere such as cereals and soft drink.
Mar 11, 5:11pm
reminds me of visiting a castle and staring at some paintings as a kid.could not understand why those ladies with rlaborate hair dos.lots of jewellery and beautiful gowns had ni teeth or black teeth.or why would anyone show that ib a painting.dad explained when sugar was used in those days it was very expensive.rich folk used to rub it on their teeth to make them go black and rot to show how wealthy they were. My my how times have changed and in this case for much much better.
Mar 11, 5:13pm
no you can use natural alternatives stevia as a good alternative i would never even consider replacing sugar with artofficial sweetners that is just crazy.
Mar 11, 5:14pm
Rich folk throughout history have often had more dollars than sense ;)
Mar 11, 5:18pm
then again poor sailors would knock their wives out and take the wooden replacements with them when out on the seas.so no one else would find them attractive.
Mar 11, 5:27pm
Why not just remove oxygen from the air we breathe and that will solve all our problems!
Mar 11, 5:32pm
humans have been doing that since the industrial revolution.
Mar 11, 5:33pm
All you need is just a little bit of self control, cut out the sugary fizzy drinks, nothing wrong with natural sugars in fruit
Mar 12, 3:28am
They haven't succeeded in removing all of it!
Mar 12, 4:07am
Agreed there are two points missing, one is most people do not know we need to be looking for sugar free as much if not more than fat free, so we have been lead down the wrong path for health and weightloss by food manufacturers and the media. The second point is processed sugars and how the body recognises and processes it as a food.
Mar 12, 4:08am
I prefer to eat a less processed diet than to attempt to exclude sugar from my diet completely so that I am avoiding "hidden" sugars - at least if I'm having sugar I know I am even if it's fructose rather than sugar hidden in chicken nuggets or fishfingers (just as examples of the most processed food I could think of)
Mar 12, 4:18am
Makespacenow.why not use artificial sweeteners. It has been proved time and time again in scientific studies that they are harmless. Alcohol is far more damaging so I trust you do not partake in that.
Mar 12, 1:04pm
i am pregnant so alcohol not an issue. Come from place where wemake our iwn anyway from fruit and hopps that are gome grown no need to use artofficial sweeteners when there are natural alternatives freely available.stevia plant now even bunnings stocks it $3 then make own cuttings.soon you have plenty to supply .kids love snacking on just leaves. Anything natural is better than processed
Mar 12, 3:16pm
I disagree. I think most people know sugar and junk food is bad for you. Children are shown from a early age what healthy food is, Media tell us through print and tv that if you eat a highly processed junk food diet you will end up a fatty. Most parents know treat food is exactly that, treat food. I know that as a result of me eating my childrens easter egg stash, I will have to work it off in the next couple of days. The majority of people are not stupid.
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