Anyone recommend a good kids birthday cake maker

mac81, Mar 12, 4:17pm
Morning ladies! Can anyone recommend a good kids birthday cake maker (perhaps a puppy dog cake) in the Auckland area (north shore). I am looking for someone who can make a nice tasting cake as well as a cute one. I had an amazing dog cake made once, but it tasted terrible (dry and flakey)! so am just wanting recommendations please - thank you in advance.

vintagekitty, Mar 12, 4:31pm
try posting on the parenting msg board, some of the mama's there may know

lodgelocum, Mar 12, 4:35pm
Pak n Save do make very nice birthday cakes, perhaps get an edible image of a puppy dog put on the cake, if you have a photo, they make the image as well.

willyow, Mar 12, 4:38pm
Look on Trademe!

mac81, Mar 12, 4:49pm
Thanks everyone, it is word of mouth I am wanting, people who know for certain someone does good cakes that taste and look good! They may look amazing, but can taste really bad.

gymnastgirl, Mar 13, 4:31pm
try paula jane cakes.
here is their website, (one of the ladys that started it won nz hottest home baker so it will be good cake)

sikofstuf, Mar 13, 5:29pm
ME!I'm not on the north shore though- but what I was going to suggest- have a look on the net for Debbie browns book, baby cakes- there is the most GORGEOUS puppy cake in that book, you will just fall in love with it! Show that pic to someone to do- it's so cute! I havent tried her cakes, but Bella Cupcakes- Vanessa Iti does a lovely job of cakes for the auckland region- not sure if she does many 3d cakes though- but I'm sure she'd do an awesome round one with a puppy on :-)