Ihave been given the responsiblity for making a steam pudding for 10 people with good appetites and the bowl I have is not going to be big enough.Any ideas!I could make two lots but would prefer to use another container if I could.And while I'm on the subject, anyone have a real nice recipe for the steam pud with golden syrup sauce!
Mar 15, 12:34am
Do you have any other large bowls, either metal or ceramic that you could use.It doesn't have to be a pudding basin just anything that is heatproof- mixing bowl from a cake mixer or something!
Classic steamed pudding with golden syrup
175 gr butter 175 gr or 11/2 cups self raising flour 175 gr sugar 3 eggs 1 lemon zested and juice 3 tablespoons milk 1.5 litre pudding bowl with lid 1 cup golden syrup
Put the butter, flour, sugar, eggs, lemon zest and half the juice and milk in a food processor and mix.
Pour water into a large saucepan so that it comes half way up the side of the pudding basin when the pudding basin is placed in the pot. Bring to the boil.
Grease the bowl with butter and pour in the golden syrup, add in the other lemon juice.Pour the sponge mixture on top of the syrup and place on the lid of the pudding bowl. Place the pudding basin into the saucepan and put the lid on and cook for two hours.Remember to check the water level in the pot, as you don't want it to boil dry. Add more water if necessary. When the pudding is ready remove the pudding basin from the boiling water and let it rest for a couple of minutes.
Mar 15, 12:41am
You could use a preserving pan, a stock pot, a new plastic fish bin.What pan are you going to use to boil the water for steaming!You could use that for the pudding mixture then wash it out for the next stage.
If you need to cream butter and sugar use an electric mixer just for that, and to add the eggs, then tip the creamed mixture into your large receptacle and carry on by hand.
Mar 15, 12:42am
Thanks for that - what do you use as a cover!
Mar 15, 12:46am
I was going to use a large preserving pan for steaming - again it is going to depend on the size of the bowl/container I use
Mar 15, 1:04am
I have been told that you could use an empty baby milk formula tin or a milo tin!I have never done it myself, but the person who told me this used to do it all the time and she was a great cook!
Mar 15, 1:08am
Cover with a plate or something.If you can't find anything to use as a lid you can use a piece of baking paper or greaseproof paper, then a piece of tinfoil over that and use a piece of string or something to secure it tightly round the bowl.
Whatever you choose to use for the pudding and for the lid make sure it is greased well.
Mar 15, 1:12am
Tinfoil or baking paper are finre but to avoid too much pressure building up, tent the paper by putting a pleat in it before you tie it on.That way thepleat can open if necessary.
Mar 15, 1:24am
Have never had a problem with pressure build up using baking paper and foil.You want a fair amount of pressure, the idea of tenting the paper is to make enough room for the pudding to rise.
If you decide to use baking paper, foil and string to tie it then it would be a good idea to put a couple of loops of string over the top of the pudding bowl so that you have a handle to use to lift it out.
Mar 15, 1:28am
Thank you all for your help.Have found a s/s bowl and lid that I can use and will use my large Le Cruse casserole dish to cook it in.Thanks for the recipe cappucino1
Mar 15, 1:32am
Happy to help, hope it goes well for you!
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