Did anyone else know it's possible to source and buy ONLY double yolked eggs! I was buying takeaways the other day and saw they were selling eggs on the counter for $3.50 for a dozen size 8 eggs. I needed eggs so purchased two dozen.
Getting them home later, and using them over the last few days, i've found every single egg is a double yolker, and i've used about ten of them. They are all kinda big and I expect them all to be the same. Has anyone ever heard of this! Asking around, evidently its possible to buy double yolk eggs specifically in Asia, however I have never seen it here. Thoughts!
Apr 1, 6:48am
Gosh. I haven't seen a double yolker for years. I remember them being quite common when I was a child.
Apr 1, 7:24am
I buy large eggs every week from a local supplier and most of them are double yolkers, some weeks the eggs are smaller and only a single yolks.
Apr 1, 7:29am
Double yolkers are often from pullets as they are getting their laying cycle established.
Apr 1, 11:00am
We had double yokers when our chooks first started to lay but never again! then ran out and bought eggs, two were pretty big and double yokers. Would you count them as one or two eggs if you used them for baking!
Apr 1, 12:52pm
We have chickens and find it is the 'new' layers that tend to produce the double yolkers - even had a triple yolker once (just the one) - it seems that once they are well enough practiced in the art of egg laying the double yolks cease.
Apr 1, 7:16pm
Yes, new layers are called pullets.
Apr 1, 8:22pm
Yes, the size 8's are double yolked. (every one I've ever bought anyway) I don't know if they x-ray extra large eggs to check when they're grading them.
Apr 1, 8:58pm
I asked at our local poultry farm, they said it only happens at a certain time of the year as well.
Apr 1, 9:35pm
In the week before christmas i bought a carton of size 7 eggs. Every one was double yolker. Not so good when trying to make pavs!I think i remember someone saying, who was in the restaurant industry, that they can seperate them from the singles.
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