have got a heap of recipe books but want to make something different, im sick of the same old stuff and love tasting new things, any ideas would be great TIA
Apr 2, 5:35pm
How about listing your old recipes so we don't offer you a repeat one !
Apr 2, 6:08pm
i want some nice slices or brownies, there the main things i dont really have in my recipe books and there usually soo yumm!
Apr 2, 6:41pm
Draco27, I have bumped up the Biscuits and Slices thread for you. There should be no problem finding something new in there.
Apr 3, 1:59am
Jazz ANZAC square
1 cup crushed peanuts 1 cup rolled oats 1 cup coconut 1 cup self raising flour 1 cup sugar 1 egg 125 gram butter 1 tbsp golden syrup
Melt butter add golden syrup Mix dry ingredients and add butter mixture and egg Bake in slice long tray until golden brown at 180@
Apr 3, 2:20am
Chocolate and Fruit Slice 1/2 cup white sugar 1/2 cup brown sugar 1 cup self raising flour 2 thsp cocoa 150 grams buter melted 1 cup prunes or raisins 1 cup nestle choc bits 1 cup finely chopped apricots 1 cup peanuts optional 3/4 tin sweetened condensed milk Preheat oven to 180 degrees Place flours,coconut and cocoa in a bowl and stir to combine.Pour in melted butter and mix well.Press mixture into a slice tin I line with baking paper and bake for 15 minutes then cool for 15 mins Once cool the scatter over prunes or raisins and apricots nuts and choc bits drizzle with cond milk and cook for 20 mins until golden cool and slice this in yum be warned and easy to make is
Apr 3, 2:23am
Ginger Crisps 1/2 lb butter(250 grams) 12 Oz flour (375 grams) 1 tsp ginger 1 tsp baking powder 6 oz brown sugar(175 grams butter) 6 oz sultanas or raisins(I use raisins)(175 grams butter) 1 good tbsp golden syrup Method:Cream butter and sugar and add golden syrup and rest of ingredients and mix well.Roll into balls and flatten.Bake 350 oc (180 degrees) for 15 minutes
Combine sugar,butter,eggs and vanlila.Add sifted flour,oats and divide mix into 3 equals parts.
then put 1/3 in each base keeping 1/3 Use 2 x 19x 39 lemington tins
Filling 300 grams chocolate 400 grams condensed milk 30 grams butter 1 cup chopped walnuts optional 2 tsp vanilla Combine chocolate, cond milk and butter in a saucepan.Stir over low heat for 2 minutes or until chocolate is melted Add nuts and essence
semi-ambitif6s skulle jag se4ga. eller helt enlekt ff6r att slippa gf6ra andra saker som jag BORDE gjort iste4llet ff6r att re4kna pe5 socker.. Kan inte le5ta bli att tro att det e4r ironi varje ge5ng ne5gon skriver ne5t bra om bloggen, ff6r personligen tycker jag den e4r helt menlf6s. haha. Nu fick jag boost att blogga! TUSEN tack ff6r kommentaren Danne
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