Is this stronger than the seeded essence.I would be keen to know if anyone has used this and what it is like. Cheers.
Apr 30, 4:20am
I use vanilla paste its basically just the seeds from the pod, great vanilla flavour and better in my opinion to extract,1/4 teaspoon is equal to 1vanilla pod.
Apr 30, 4:23am
Thanks for that I will get a jar of it. Nothing like trying something new.
we use it a lot.baking when using easy yo.milkshakes.pancakes cream the vanilla pods too but paste is v three brands here couplke of jars of each.
May 1, 3:03am
1 tsp vanilla paste is = to 1 tsp vanilla extract.Vanilla essence is chemically concocted in alab, so go for the extract or paste, although far more expensive, it is far preferable to essence.
Note how they don't say 'vanilla bean' or 'vanilla pod; or ' vanilla tahitensis' or 'vanilla planifolia'-'natural vanilla ' probably means vanillin extractedfrom woodpulp(a woodpulp plant in Canada producesthree quarters of the world'swoodpulp vanillin for making fake - but natural -vanilla products)- Hansells certainly doesn't taste anything like real vanilla extract. It doesn't appear to be an extract of vanilla pod -are they passing it off as the real thing, or they are they justreally lousy at vanilla extraction.
In Americayou can't call vanilla extract 'vanilla extract' unless it has 35% alcohol - there may bea technical reason for that - anything less and they consider it is probably fake'cos there isn't enough alcohol to preserve the genuine vanilla podflavour.
May 1, 3:51am
Maybe some manufacturers in the world usea few vanilla seedsto complete the sleight of hand approach, tailored to suck uninformedconsumers in.You can buyvanilla pods seeds that have been used for extraction really cheaply out of Indonesia.
May 1, 4:32am
I bought some Hansell's vanilla paste and was very disappointed. Seems to be mainly sugar. Didn't have much vanilla taste and very expensive, too. Won't be buying it again.
May 1, 5:32am
I use the equagold brand, and its a fantastic product.
May 1, 2:03pm
I use the Nielsen-Massey paste which is lovely and thick and very fragrant.
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