hi my mum used to make a mean potato bake, i can remember all the veges but cant remember what she combined the grated cheese with! have a feeling it was equal amount of cheese, sour cream and milk but not 100% sure. or am i wrong about the milk! maybe it was condensed milk!think it was combine all that with the veges and some bacon and bake for about 45mins on a medium heat.
anyway she is no longer around to ask so does that sound right to you masterchefs out there ! any feedback and help gladly appreciated thanks
Apr 19, 5:35am
you can sprinkle packet maggi soup between the layers to get more flavour. Condensed milk a big NO
Apr 19, 6:00am
From another poster:
1 kg potatoes 2 medium onions, diced 2-4 rashers diced bacon 250 g lite sour cream (Or regular, it's up to you) 1/2 c milk (Can be low fat) Pkt of bacon and onion or onion soup mix 1 c grated cheese -Peel the potatoes and cut into 2-3 mm thick slices -Grease a shallow casserole dish, -Saute onion and bacon and set aside. -Sprinkle half of the onion and bacon over the dish. Cover with half the sliced potato, overlapping if need be.
-Sprinkle over the remaining onion and bacon and arrange the rest of potato on top. -Whisk together the sour cream, milk and soup mix. Pour over the potato, sprinkle the top with the grated cheese and bake at 220 for 30 minutes, with tinfoil covering the top. Uncover and bake for another 30 minutes until golden brown and potatoes in the middle are cooked.
Apr 19, 6:03am
Yup, i agree with rainrain, condensed milk way too sweet, the other cheeses will work well, parmesan would be good too
Apr 19, 6:13am
oh wicked thanks so so much.didnt think condensed milk was right but it has been years since she last made it for us and even longer since i cooked it myself. thanks again
Apr 19, 8:50am
"Pams creamy potatoes" recipe, so here it is. 25g butter, melted;1 clove garlic,crushed;1/4 tsp nutmeg;2 cups grated tasty cheese; 1 kg potatoes,peeled and sliced thinly;2 eggs,lightly beaten;1x 300ml carton cream;1 cup milk;1/2 cup stale breadcrumbs;fresh herbs to garnish. combine melted butter,garlic and nutmeg in a bowl. Brush a shallow oven proof dish with half the butter mixture. Sprinkle half the cheese over the base and layer the potato slices. Combine remaining butter mix, eggs, cream and milk in a jug and pour gently over potato slices. Sprinkle top with remaining cheese and breadcrumbs ( I dont usually bother with the breadcrumbs) Bake in hot oven - 200C for about 1 hour or until potatoes are tender. (Cover with foil if top becomes too brown.
Apr 19, 11:25pm
the can would have been reduced cream or evaporated milk; yummy
Apr 20, 12:04am
evaporated milk would make them nice and creamy and not so high in fat.
Apr 22, 6:47am
Jimmy 2102 I also sprinkle a wonderful smoked paprika I purchase from Vetro in Napier over my potato bake. You should try it its in a tin.
Apr 22, 6:56am
Haha im onto you bluedog, dont you love VETRO NAPIER its my fav foodie shop!
Apr 22, 7:03am
Bumping for bluey
Apr 22, 7:17am
Yes I wish there were more round the country I know of a few one in New Plymouth Gisborne and Hamilton for your info if you ever in those towns
Apr 22, 7:18am
I normally shop in the napier one though cos its closest to me!
Apr 23, 8:15am
Hey bluedog, think there is one in Rotorua too.
Apr 23, 8:19am
My credit card just loves Vetro.
Apr 23, 6:25pm
Potato Bake
sliced potatoes tin veggie soup - any, but mushroom is nice cream or milk or a mix of both grated cheese pepper
Layer sliced potatoes into casserole dish.Empty soup into 2 cup measuring container and add enough milk/cream/mix to make it up to 2 cups.Mix well then pour over the potatoes and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake 180 for around 40 - 50 mins.(Cover if getting too dry towards the end.)
Apr 24, 1:57am
I made one last night, just made a white sauce, added some minced garlic to the butter while it melted, added some leek and fresh chives to the saucepoured over spuds, baked covered till spuds tender then put some cheese on top and cooked till cheese melted. was pretty tasty! will have to try it made with soup.
Apr 24, 2:18am
fresh cream and crumbled cooked streaky bacon between layers of the potato slices and on top of last slice then grate Egmont cheese and maybe a little parmesan over the top.
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