Pasta sauce exploding

pilgrim2, Mar 24, 7:21pm
My daughter and I both made pasta sauce, same recipe, her jars are popping and mine arent.any ideas why

pickles7, Mar 24, 7:27pm
Maybe fermentation.
Scary, food poisoning is nothing to be taken lightly.

This site will set you on the correct path to home preserves.

pilgrim2, Mar 24, 7:36pm
Thanks pickles, we were so careful. I make it every year same everything.

dezzie, Mar 24, 8:05pm
yep, I'd say she never washed her jars as fussy as you did, I just freeze stuff like that now, saves a heap of drama.

schnauzer11, Mar 26, 2:59am
Do NOT use the product from the suspect jars,even re-sterilised.Tomatoes preserved poorly are a huge souce of botulism.Discard the lot.