Aunt Daisy recipe 2TBSPs mashed potato 1TBSP cocoa 1TBSP sugar Vanilla essence Mash potato & mix in remainder of ingredients. Another unusual (sounds more appealing) Creamy spread for piklets Slightly warm golden syrup, beat in a little butter till it makes a creamy spread. Goes a long way & saves butter.
Mar 24, 7:53pm
that sounds so bizzare i might have to try it.
Mar 24, 7:57pm
We are Irish and the only way my mum could get my brother to eat mashed potato when we were young was to add sugar to it!He no longer eats them like this.I guess adding chocolate as well would be nice as a spread on toast or bread.!
Mar 24, 7:57pm
Guess it would be ok if you ran out of icing sugar.
Mar 24, 8:01pm
gosh, that sounds revolting.On My Kitchen Rules las time, the Italian girls made potato deep fried donuts, covered with sugar and cinammon I think, and they won that challenge.Also sounding bizaare!
Mar 24, 11:21pm
Sounds like something they would have invented during the war .
Mar 24, 11:54pm
we didnt have nutella where i grew up.had sort of fake version grandma used prunes/plums and cocoa to dig out that recipe.
Mar 25, 12:41am
Mar 25, 1:22am
I subscribe to a knitting Forum and this recipe was on it this morning.
Mashed Potato Easter Eggs 1/4lb butter(that would be 125gms) 2 Tblsps powdered sugar(that would be icing sugar) 1/2 cup mashed potato 1tsp vanilla Mix all ingredients and shape. Chill for 1 hour.Dip into melted chocolate chips. I might give it a go as it's not a lot of ingredients if it all goes wrong.
Mar 25, 1:44am
The potatoes are simply another form of starch. Left unsalted, they don't have a strong flavour themselves so would take on the sweet chocolate flavour well. No reason why these 2 recipes would be revolting at all! More people need to think outside the square sometimes :)
Mar 25, 1:57am
american recipe for candy. take a tablespoon of mashed potatoe and stir in icing will be surprised how much icing sugar this uses.then you can add coconut and make coconut ice.cocoa and make fudge.americans add peanut is candy. whatever flavour you put in at the end.
Mar 26, 2:57am
Aunt Daisy sometimes took war-time stringency a little too far!
Mar 26, 3:37am
Bump for post#9 - Easter is coming!
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