Does anybody have a quick and easy Cheesecake Recipe! Preferably one with those premixed fillings! I want one simple enough to teach the partner (boiling eggs seems complicated for him) , or to have the niece and nephew (both under 5) involved in. I had a few great recipes off here, but have lost them along the way.
Feb 27, 3:29am
I have a cheats version which isn't really a 'cheesecake' at all but that's what I called it when I started making it WAYYYY back in primary school . 1 jelly (any flavour) 1 sml yoghurt (flavour to complement the jelly) 1 sml bottle of cream, whipped
Make a biscuit base as usual. Make the jelly with only 1 cup of boiling water & allow to cool but not set. Whip cream, beat yoghurt into cream, beat cool jelly into cream/yoghurt mix & pile onto biscuit base. Set in fridge & decorate with matching fresh or tinned fruit, cream, white choc curls, . Enjoy!
Feb 27, 6:45am
Biscuit base as usual. 250g cream cheese (full fat), 1 can condensed milk, 1/3 cup lemon juice. Beat cream cheese till there are no lumps. Add condensed milk and mix in thoroughly, add lemon juice. Pour into base and refrigerate. I use a quiche dish for this cheesecake.
Feb 27, 12:30pm
marcs, I wonder if you could use this recipe and then put it into those pre-cooked sweet pastry shells you can buy. just thought it would be nice. i have a lot of the shells, purchased for a function that was cancelled, and need to use them up. can only think of neenish filling.
Feb 27, 4:27pm
Should be great. I use this recipe and add zest of one lemon as well. so yummy.
Feb 27, 4:40pm
korbo, some other filling suggestions for those pastry shells - fruit curd (lemon, lime, passionfruit.), caramel, jam, fruit mince - any of these with a whipped cream or meringue topping.I'm sure that there are lots of other suitable fillings but those are a few 'off the top of my head'.:-))
Ended up making a banoffee pie, nice simple and yummy. but still searching for good cheesecake recipies! thankyou all for your advice. :)
Feb 27, 11:38pm
catdog101, how about this recipe which is the recipe from my very first attempt - a very successful one! - at making a cheesecake!
HEAVENLY CHEESECAKE - always popular whenever I make it so I hope you will enjoy it too. Crumb Crust: 1 packet plain biscuits, crushed 170g butter, melted
Combine the biscuits and butter, then spread evenly into a 22·5cm (9”) springform tin and up the sides. Chill while preparing the Filling: 1 tbsp gelatine 250g cream cheese ¾ cup sugar 3 eggs ¼ cup each of water, lemon juice and milk pinch salt
Blend the gelatine with the water and lemon juice, then set it aside. Combine the cream cheese, ½ cup sugar, beaten egg yolks, milk and salt. Cook over simmering water for 10 minutes, then blend in the gelatine mixture. Cool the mixture. Beat 3 egg whites, gradually adding the remaining ¼ cup sugar, until soft peaks form. Fold this into cheese mixture and pour the filling carefully into crumb crust. Refrigerate. If desired, pile whipped cream on top and serve as a dessert or as a cake with coffee. This is nicest at least 1 day old, and freezes well too.
By " those premixed fillings" do you mean the Taraura product "Cheesecake Filling"!If so, have a look at:-
Edited to add.For more cheesecake recipes try doing a search here on this Trademe MB using Cheesecake as the Keyword and Last Year as the Date posted option.:-))
Feb 28, 1:51am
thanks for ideas 245
Feb 28, 2:09am
MMmmmm.thanks for reminding me.used to make this with a lemon is divine!
Feb 28, 4:46am
yes you can. Also you can put fresh fruit on top. Cheesecake itself tastes nice with passionfruit topping. Just give it time for the filling to set.
Feb 28, 2:12pm
winnie used to have one as a kid with softened icecream mixed with jelly and reset into a biscuit base.
Feb 28, 4:35pm
Or you could make Best Mini Cheesecakes Line muffin tins with paper cupcake cases. Put a gingernut in the bottom.Beat a tub of cream cheese until soft. Add half jar each of passionfruit curd and lemon curd. Whip till mixed. Spoon into cases. Refrigerate to set. Easy peasy.
I copied this and am going to try it out over the weekend.
Mar 2, 5:53am
Winnie 231 made your cheesecake yesterday talk about YUM and so easy, thank you
Mar 2, 2:07pm
You're very welcome :) I'm pleased you enjoyed it. I've also made just the topping & poured it into a bowl to set. Easy peasy 'Mousse'.
Mar 2, 3:52pm
I just want to know at what stage do you whip the cream to . Is it just thickened consistency or whipped to a more firm consistency.
Mar 2, 3:53pm
Also what flavours do you recommend in the jelly and yoghurt line.!
Mar 2, 3:54pm
I remember doing something similar as a type of trifle where you layer it thru sponge with chocolate flake and may be fruit.
Mar 2, 4:28pm
Hi lindi4, the cream should be whipped until 'firm'. As for what flavours . there's pretty much no limit on combinations. Some examples . - Peach & passionfruit yoghurt with pineapple jelly - Wild berry yoghurt with boysenberry jelly - Apricot yoghurt with orange jelly - Mixed berries yoghurt with strawberry jelly
Mar 2, 5:19pm
What is the basic biscuit base please!
Mar 2, 6:49pm
Basic biscuit base: 250g plain biscuits, crushed 125g melted butter Mix together & press into greased spring-form tin. Chill until set.
May 23, 4:17am
Chocolate cheesecake
Ingredients 150g (5 oz) digestive biscuits (or other plain biscuit eg superwine) 45g (1 1/2 oz) butter 110g (4 oz) caster sugar, divided 120ml whipping cream 150g (5 oz) dark chocolate, melted and cooled 2 tablespoons cocoa powder mixed with a little hot water 1 (200g) tub cream cheese
Preparation method
1. Crush the digestive biscuits and mix with the melted butter and 1 tablespoon of the caster sugar. Press into a 18cm (7 in) cake tin and refrigerate.
2. Whip cream until soft peak stage. Add cooled melted chocolate, then the cocoa powder mix. Blend well and set aside.
3. Beat the cream cheese and remaining sugar together. Fold in cream/chocolate mixture and mix thoroughly.
4. Spread into tin on top of crushed biscuits. Freeze for one hour.
5. Refrigerate for about 30 minutes, then serve.
Quotetheanimal1 (85 )4:43 pm, Tue
May 23, 6:10am
sounds great winnie231 . will try this weekend .
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