Help find a recipe for this yummy cake pleez

seano7, Feb 16, 5:04am
brazil nut cake. I know the cake you speak of they replaced brazil nuts with almond and the pineapple with other fruit

purplegoanna, Feb 16, 5:26am
ive been eating it for the past 6 years and to this day have neva seen a almond within cooey of it!

lurtz, Feb 16, 5:52am
Possibly because the recipe uses almond meal, or finely ground almonds. From the photo, it does look like an almond meal base recipe. Could be wrong though:-)

deus701, Feb 16, 6:00am
can you send me a sample so i can identify it for you!

suenz75, Feb 16, 6:20am
I buy one like that from Stone Oven in Devonport and its called Frangipani Apricot Cake, don't have a recipe though

seniorbones, Feb 16, 6:24am
LOL.why dont you ask them for the recipe or should I say beg.then give it all to us, you could also write to a mag like foodtown magazine and ask if they could ask for the recipe and then they publish it

purplegoanna, Feb 16, 6:34am
its the hollywood cafe, the one that has its cafe in malls and me ive tried!

korbo, Feb 16, 9:02am
mmm.looks like one a cafe in hastings had, it had pineapple and apricots in it. really yummy. alas they have closed down

winnie231, Feb 16, 9:03am
Tell them you (or a friend) has allergy issues . they don't have to give you the exact recipe but they are obliged to give you an ingredient list!
It is your legal right to ask for ingredients . and before they get snarky - make it clear to them you don't need the recipe . just the ingredients.
From there we (plus google) should be able to come up with a recipe with you

indy95, Feb 16, 11:03pm
What a great idea !