Yummy pudding ideas? not many ingredients?

oooooowwwwww, Jul 9, 12:52am
hi guys, i want to have a yummy pudding tonight but dont have eggs, cocoa powder, coconut, cream or ice cream. i cant think of anything to make, do you have any ideas?

tipsy_bl0nde, Jul 9, 12:58am
apple crumble or any type of fruit with crumble mix on top?

rainrain1, Jul 9, 1:26am
fruit sponge edmonds book...whoops sorry, that's got eggs!!!
Icecream sundae?

camper16, Jul 9, 1:28am
does any one have aeasy bread and butter pudding recipe?

jessie981, Jul 9, 1:47am
Remove crusts, butter & cut into cubes. Put in a greased pie dish, sprinkle over sultanas & pour over milk, tsp vanilla essence & 2TBSPs sugar. Amount of milk etc depends how much bread you use.
Bake until set @ 160.until set

camper16, Jul 9, 2:10am
wow thanks , ill give it a go

lynan, Jul 9, 2:19am
Ah, bread and butter pud needs eggs to create the ' custard'. It wont set methinks. :(

jessie981, Jul 9, 3:07am
could be right lynan. Ages since I baked.

oooooowwwwww, Jul 9, 3:10am
thanks for the ideas guys i went with butterscotch self saucing in the end, sent dp into town to get some cream :)

heres hoping it tastes ok as i havent made it in years

catlover28, Jul 9, 3:30am
Golden Syrup can be used in place of eggs but maybe not for bread and butter pudding. Cornflour may do.

lindylambchops1, Jul 9, 6:07am
I made a bread pudding the other night put sliced banana & sprinkled with choc chips in layers.It was delicious!

camper16, Jul 12, 2:37am
thanks for the bread and butter pud it was a great hit with the family , now they are asking for a self saucing choc pudding , can this be done in a crock pot ? can anyone help with a recipe ?

iman007, Jul 12, 2:52am
creme brulee, i made some for my kids and partners in weekend,5 ingredients, simple and very yummy

farmerbob2, Nov 20, 6:40pm
Chocolate self saucing pudding
This is one of my family’s favourites for the past 30 years. (egg free)
I do it all in one microwave/oven proof dish and use a rubber scraper to mix with.

Chocolate self saucing pudding

2 cups milk200gms butter
Heat in microwave until butter has melted.
Sift in -
2 cups flour2 tsp Baking Powder
2 heaped tblsp cocoa
⅔ cup sugar1 tsp vanilla
And I add ½ cup of sultanas but this is optional.
Mix well.
Scrape down the sides so it is tidy and then sprinkle on top-
1 cup brown sugar mixed with 2 heaped tblsp cocoa (an extra bowl is required for this) and then pour over gently
1½ cups of boiling water.
Cook at 170C for approx 45 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean.
Lovely served with cream, ice cream or just plain milk.

I have trebled this recipe and cooked it in the oven in my crock pot inner to serve at a teenage party.