Kumara Sour Cream & Chicken Soup Mix recipe please

de-al, Feb 7, 4:51pm
Hi - I've heard of this recipe through a friend & wondered if anyone had it.I believe you cook it in the oven & serve it hot. Thanks.

nfh1, Feb 7, 5:53pm
There are some for potatoes on here which says you can substitute kumara


de-al, Feb 8, 3:48am
Thanks so much for this link.The top one sounds like the recipe my friend described.

griffo4, Feb 8, 6:03pm
Are you making it for a special occasion in the next couple of weeks!
Thanks nfh1 it sounds really nice especially with kumara

de-al, Feb 9, 3:29am
Well .I was thinking about it actually.Not the special occasion you're thinking of though - ha! ha!, but good guess.Another catering one on the 14th.

griffo4, Feb 9, 1:52pm
All good do you want me to do the cake!