I buy it in the larger blocks (more economical) but how do you keep it in the fridge without it going mouldy!I do grate it and freeze some of it, but would like suggestions as to how you store managable sizes in the fridge please.
Jan 21, 10:51am
I find cheese keeps best when wrapped in foil, I'm not sure what aluminium does to the cheese but it keeps really well wrapped in foil and then in a resealable bag.
Jan 21, 5:29pm
I have a tupperware cheese container.It was a bit expensive to buy initially but it has saved me heaps over the years.The cheese can breathe and keeps for ages in there.I leave it in its original wrapper and just pop it in the container but I know some people remove it from the wrapper completely.Its great.
Jan 21, 5:51pm
I agree that the tupperware cheese container is great.
Jan 21, 6:34pm
I made muslin bags and store my cheese in them. stops them from going mouldy.
Jan 21, 6:43pm
I buy 200g packs, leave it in it's wrapper till required then eat it pretty quick. It's false economy buying it large if it's sitting around so long and going off. Besides while I'm a miser with everything else, cheese is the one thing I don't skimp on, I like my cheese to have flavour and those giant blocks of soap don't do it for me, a bit of aged cheese goes a lot further as it has more flavour for one thing.
Jan 21, 8:00pm
I just open the cheese at one end and put the whole block, wrapper and all, into a cheap plastic bag, get air out and twist top. I have never had any problems with cheese going off.
Jan 21, 8:00pm
Place a sugar cube in the bag with the cheese, works very well.
Jan 21, 8:32pm
I open one end and then put the whole block, wrapper and all, into a plastic liddedcontainer - problems here
Jan 21, 8:36pm
Thanks for all your sugggestions - I think part of the problem is touching the cheese and the little germies then multiply!Must remember when cutting some of it off, to hold it with the plastic covering.
Jan 21, 8:57pm
I recently purchased a vacuum packer with polycarbonate containers. I now store all my cheese in one of the containers and it keeps perfectly, long after every other method has gone hard, mouldy or has sweated. After I use my cheese I simply redo the vacuum which is really, really simple.
Jan 21, 9:33pm
Gosh, It sounds like you keep it for a long time, for it to get mouldy. Now that there is only me eating cheese, I just buy smaller blocks, its so much nicer, even if more expensive. If you must buy x2kg blocks, is there someone who will share a block with you, so you both save!
Jan 22, 1:27am
I buy a 20kg block of organic cheddar every winter. It then gets cut up and distributed between 3 or 4 families. Everyone cuts it into the sizes they like and then it gets frozen.
Jan 22, 1:47am
I always make sure I use a CLEAN knife which has not been contaminated at all when I cut my cheese.Then I wrap in a plastic bag and seal it.
Jan 24, 1:38am
I keep mine in a calico cheese bag.
Jan 24, 1:46am
Anyone know where I can buy a Tupperware cheese container.Older version would be okay.
Jan 24, 2:21am
I do this too!
Jan 24, 2:22am
Yes I agree!Always wash hands when preparing food.With cheese hang on to plastic wrapping when grating or slicing.
Jan 24, 2:24am
WOW!What an awesome idea!
Jan 24, 2:47am
Bit like cookessentials for me - I cut up an old 'ham bag' and made a cheese bag.I keep the cheese in its original wrapper and put it in the dampened cheese bag.Have kept cheese extremely well for many weeks and without the hard edge, too.Only buy the 750g or larger blocks when on special, so it seems to last us a long time.
Jan 24, 3:23am
Also keep mine in a Tupperware cheese container, quite old so must be the older version.It never goes mouldy, mind you, it doesn't last long in our household anyway.
Jan 24, 5:15am
either buy one on here or look at your local hospice/op shops
Jan 24, 6:07am
Tefal Cheese Preserver. Kept in the fridge. It was gifted to me by an overseas friend. I change the filter every so often, and cheeses keep beautifully.Cookessentials will know where to buy in NZ.
Jan 24, 6:09am
love my Tupperware Cheese Container.
Jan 26, 8:00pm
Thanks I will keep my eyes out at the Op shops.Rather expensive on TM with the postage included.Other than the container I may try the calico bag.
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