Where should you keep your eggs?

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lurtz, Jan 20, 10:38pm
I keep eggs in an old fashioned Safe, which, (for those who are unfamiliar with the term), is a wooden framed cupboard with rigid mesh walls to allow air circulation. It is built out from the kitchen wall on the cool side of the house, and under the branches ofshady tree. Like Flour and Sugar bins, many older NZ houses were built with these very handy Safes. I have never had a problem with eggs going off, however, we have a rapid turnover.I treasure the Safe, and keep other items stored in there also. I believe they used to be used for milk and meat storage among other things.

klc1, Jan 21, 3:46pm
I keep mine in the fridge but in the egg carton not the tray that came with the fridge.

natalie9, Jan 22, 2:43am
Fridge, they last a month longer than expiry date. If I'm baking I take them out in advance or if in a hurry put in bowl of warm water.

beaker59, Jan 22, 3:33am
I asked a lady once how she wanted her eggs in the morning, the reply I got was "unfertilised".

very_hotpants, Jan 22, 3:56am
I put some in a container on the bench for baking and the rest are in the fridge for frying or until the ones on the bench are to be replaced. I also boil a about six from the new tray before putting them away.

macandrosie, Jan 23, 12:13am
I agree with you very_hotpants. My ones on the bench are for baking I think when your'e baking you need not so fresh eggs especialy in pavs, meringues, sponges & cinnamonoysters. The family tend to use the fridge ones for co!oking up a meal

uli, Jan 23, 1:15am
So how did we fare before 1940 - when there were no fridges!
Did we die out!
Is Buddha right!
We are just an illusion!

uli, Jan 23, 1:18am
P.S.: I do like the sentence:
where "should" you keep your eggs!

elliehen, Jan 23, 1:38am
The Answer.

melford, Jan 23, 1:39am
Exactly, eggs in the fridge until they are needed for baking. It is not that they will go off by leaving on the bench it is the fact that they lose their quality

toadfish, Jan 23, 1:48am
I am guessing our eggs didn't last as long.

uli, Jan 23, 2:26am
As I said before in other threads: my eggs lasted for 2 months in the tropics - so I see no reason why I should clutter my fridge with dozens of eggs.
But if you are worried - by all means put them into the fridge.

melford, Jan 23, 3:26am
This is from the NZ egg site - they should know I would think. Once again it is not that they go "off" they just lose their quality. Each to their own beliefs i guess and thats okay too

connor2003, Jan 23, 1:10pm
I keep mine in the pantry cos most recipes require ingredients to be room temperature.

rainrain1, Jan 23, 1:36pm
Nick: Here's a thought. Why don't we get an egg and start our own chicken farm! That way we'd have all the eggs we could eat.
Fetcher: Right. We'll need a chicken, then.
Nick: No. no, we'll need an egg. You have the egg first, that's where you get the chicken from.
Fetcher: No, that's cobblers. If you don't have a chicken, where are you going to get the egg!
Nick: From the chicken that comes from the egg.
Fetcher: Yeah, but you have to have an egg to have a chicken.
Nick: Yeah, but you've got to get the chicken first to get the egg, and then you get the egg. to get the chicken out of.
Fetcher: Hang on, let's go over this again.

pickles7, Jan 23, 2:31pm
You won't need to look far for a cock, there's bound to be a few in here already.

elliehen, Apr 17, 11:25pm
Bumping for __stellate__

elliehen, Apr 17, 11:28pm
I keep a few on the bench ready-to-go and the rest in the fridge.