Hi has anyone made soy yoghurt in an Easi Yo maker!My daughter has recently become dairy free and she was a big yoghurt eater before but hates the flavour o the soy yoghurts in the store.I was hoping that we may be able to look at making vanilla soy yoghurt as she loved vanilla soy milk Thanks in advance (also put in parenting)
Jan 13, 3:17pm
Yes you can make good soy yoghurt in an Easi Yo.You need to start it with a dairy yoghurt with a high friendly bacteria count, I have read after the first batch it is dairy free.I use So Good as it has a bland taste.I dont boil the soy milk, just pour into easiyo from the carton.Add boiling water around central container and leave 5 - 8 hrs.It will go very thick, it really needs to stand for 8 hours as this gives it a more cultured flavour.Everything needs to be sterilised first.
Jan 13, 3:41pm
Thanks frances1266 - I think I will go and buy an Easiyo maker today and start experimenting !
Jan 13, 3:46pm
I am sure you can buy the Easiyo soy yoghurt sachet things
Jan 13, 5:34pm
Not sure you can any more - they also used to have lactose free as well but that's gone too.
It's funny because I was just wondering the same thing about using soy milk because with my online shopping this week I got given a carton of soy milk which no-one here will drink or use for anything else so I might try making yoghurt with it instead.
Jan 13, 6:34pm
I have not been able to find Soy yoghurt sachets in supermarket here but I have not checked on line yet.
Jan 18, 3:37am
Well I've tried to make my own yoghurt with the soy milk I was given and the last of my acidophilus yoghurt using my Easiyo - it doesn't appear to be setting completely but what I've tasted has a very mild, almost sweet taste - not sure I will like it but could be OK with plenty of fruit added
Jan 18, 3:40am
I make soy yoghurt with an Easiyo maker. You do not need to start it with a dairy yoghurt. Just get some plain soy yoghurt (eg, tonzu) and put 4-5 tbsp in the yoghurt container, half fill with soy milk (So Good is best), give a good shake, then top up and give a light shake. Make in the Easiyo maker as usual. It doesn't set solid, it is more creamy but it is nice on cereal and in smoothies.
Jan 18, 3:50am
Yeah I don't think I'm going to be eating it at all to be honest - it's a bit too bland for me - I was only making it to make use of the "milk" that's why I started it with my existing yoghurt
Jan 19, 3:01pm
It's thicker now because I strained it through a cloth last night - I also added some vanilla so I will eat it but it's very bland and mild so I don't think I'll bother again with the soy but I will try making my own using "normal" plain yoghurt next time
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