I've seen people on here discussing how to make yoghurt in your Easiyo maker but without using the sachets and using yoghurt as a "starter" - can someone explain to me how you do this!Thanks
Jan 8, 2:30am
You dont have to use the easiyo container either. we have a 5L jar that we do ours in. first we heat the milk to 95 degrees on the stove to kill any bugs that may be in the milk. when cool (less that 35 degrees) we add a couple of tablespoons of yoghurt as a starter. leave in a warm place overnight. blue top milk comes out thicker than green. milk powder added to the normal milk makes it even thicker
Jan 8, 2:32am
If you dont have a warm place to put it you can use a tropical fish heater. they are about $20
Jan 8, 2:33am
Ingredients 1000ml whole milk 5 tbsp plain yogurt with active cultures (I used greek yogurt)
In a saucepan, heat the milk over low heat. Remove the saucepan from heat just before it starts boiling (82-85C).
Let the milk cool down until you can keep your finger in there (42-43C). Add the yogurt to the milk and stir well. Pour the milk into carefully washed jars and close with lids.
Set all jars in a warm place for about 8 hours or overnight until thickened. I (The yogurt bacteria need temperature around 43C to grow.)
Refrigerate the yogurt for about 3-4 hours before eating.
Jan 8, 2:41am
My recipe is similar to cooks.But remember to put the milk in a double boiler arrangement - bowl in a pot with water.I take the milk to 85-90C and down to 43C.The other difference for me is I only use 1tsp of plain yoghurt as a starter.I then put it into a chilly bin for about 12 hours.The type of milk you use is important.I use raw milk,But the next best thing is milk that is pasteurized only.I understand that it doesn't work if you use milk that has been homogenised as well.
Jan 8, 3:16am
I use my slow cooker with the lid off. Jars on trivets etc. and it's perfect!
Jan 8, 3:23am
That would work really well too.had not thought of using mine.
Jan 8, 4:00am
I just use the easyyo maker don't bother boiling the milk just straight from fridge into the maker with either 2 tablespoons of the last batch or a couple of tablespoons of real yogurt from the supermarket (I use a Piako plain one) then fill the maker with boiling water to the mark inthe container and then I have a container of good yogurt 8 hours or so later. Never had a failure yet. Keep things sterile though I wash container well between batches. We make ours about twice a week.
Jan 8, 4:04am
That sounds good - will look for the Piako yoghurt next time I'm in the supermarket.I'm sure the other methods are just as good but I don't have a food thermometer, or a slow cooker, etc. so this is probably the easiest.Thanks
Jan 8, 4:06am
yoghurt is basically milk thats gone off. i hate the stuff
Jan 8, 4:12am
Fine - I don't
Jan 8, 4:58am
I was quite surprised how easy it is I am ultra careful with the bought yogurt too and it lasts really well in the coldest part of the fridge I try not to expose it to air so just peel the lid back get what I need with a clean spoon then reseal and back into fridge one small container will last for a couple of months.
Jan 8, 7:25am
I love my Easiyo maker too!
Jan 8, 8:45am
if you were doing it yourself using milk could you add/use cream!
Jan 8, 9:16am
Piako yoghurt is lovely too. We often have the passionfruit or mango one, but the plain is really lovely too.
Jan 8, 5:48pm
And you can make it using milk powder too.Skim milk: 100 grams powder, 1 l water and a couple of tbsp of good plain yoghurt.Shake altogether and pop in yoghurt maker as usual.Whole milk powder requires slightly different proportions though - you'd need to check the packet.This makes it even cheaper than making it with fresh milk.eg a 1kg pack of skim milk powder at $12 makes 10l of milk.
Jan 8, 9:23pm
Vegetarians say similar things about meat!
Jan 8, 9:58pm
I sometimes make yoghurt just using cream, YUM.
Jan 9, 8:47am
To get two lots of Easiyo yogurt out of one packet.
Weigh half the contents of sachet onto the scales & make up to full contents of sachet with powdered milk.Make up in usual way.
Two lots of yogurt for the price of one!
I use Easiyo packets or Hansells with no problem doing this.
Jan 12, 10:10am
Beaker thanks for the mention of the Piako yoghurt. I have looked constantly for a decent yoghurt to keep going. I got some today and have my first batch in now, and the piako yoghurt smells true. I can't wait to see the results and carry on making yoghurt again. then I can make yoghurt cake, scones etc, yummy.
Jan 12, 10:16am
glad you are happy with it nice on its own but cultures really well too. Let us know in the morning how it turns out for you. I also carry on culturing batch to batch succesfully but then go back to origonal after about 10 batches, Yup thats 10 litres of yogurt from two tablespoons economical EH!
Any Biology experts out there, can you freeze yogurt without damaging the culture!
Jan 12, 8:29pm
The only Piako yoghurt I could find in the supermarket was mango and I don't want fruit yoghurt, just natural so I can add my own fruit if I want to, or not, so I will just give it a go using what I've got at the moment.
Jan 12, 9:47pm
I use clearwaters yoghurt as my starter or sometimes cyclops.
Jan 12, 10:11pm
Clearwater yoghurt is lovely and doesn't contain any additives.
Jan 12, 10:42pm
Not sure I've seen that one before but I guess that's the type I should be looking for if I'm going to use it as a starter - I wouldn't buy one with sugar added anyway but sometimes there are other surprising things added to yoghurt so I always read the labels anyway
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