Tasted this at someone's house but they didnt want to share the recipe! =( would appreciate a tried and true recipe if anyone has it. The one i tasted seemed to have rose essence (or rose petals) citrus peel, glazed ginger and assorted nuts. thanks for any help!
Jan 1, 10:35pm
Go into lefthand message board & under keyword put Panforte. Under date posted put last year. Will give you a link to other posters recipes.
Jan 1, 11:05pm
This is a traditional Tuscan panforte which is delicious. 75g sugar,75g honey,125g almonds,75g walnuts, 100g candied lemon,50g candied orange, 2 egg whites, 10g mixed spices of cinnamon,nutmeg,ginger,white pepper. 40g cocoa, rice paper, icing sugar, flour and butter.
Melt sugar and honey over low heat. Mix finely chopped dried fruit and candied fruit, add the egg whites,cocoa and spices.Mix in the warm sugar and honey,stirring carefully. Butter and flour the sides ofround cake tin, then place rice paper on the bottom and press mixture into the tin. Bake in pre-heated oven at 150C for about 40 mins. Leave to cool and dust with icing sugar.
Jan 1, 11:40pm
Be nice if you've baked it c.e. I've never heard of this
Jan 1, 11:50pm
it is very nice and is the more traditional version.
Jan 2, 5:57am
Thanks for the recipe cookessentials =) cant wait to try it. Also thanks for the search suggestion!
Jan 3, 4:58am
This is a not so traditional panforte recipe that I posted in another thread before Xmas. I've made it a couple of times and it is really yummy - it's out of an old cadbury cookbook that I've had for years
Siennese Panforte 125g almonds - toasted 100g hazelnuts - toasted 1/4 cup chopped glace pineapple (crystallised is fine) 1/4 cup chopped glace apricots (dried is fine) 1/3 cup mixed peel 1/2 cup plain flour 1/4 cup cocoa (dutch cocoa if you can find it) 1/3 cup manuka honey 1/2 cup brown sugar
Roughly chop nuts and place in bowl with fruit and peel. Sift flour and cocoa and add to fruit and nut mixture - stirring well to combine. Place honey and sugar in a small saucepan and stir over a low heat until sugar is dissolved. Bring to the boil without stirring, then reduce the heat and cook for 5mins, uncovered. Quickly stir the hot honey mixture into the fruit and nut mixture. Press the mixture into a lined 20cm springform tin and bake for 25mins at 160deg. Leave in the pan overnight before removing carefully. Dust liberally with icing sugar before serving. Enjoy!
ETA: Do not keep in fridge - it will keep very well for several weeks wrapped in tinfoil in an airtight container
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