Guess what i got for Christmas!!loving it, just made a sponge to turn into tiramisu and while i was grating the chocolate i had an epiphany as the grater took a hunk out of my hand, roto grater attachment, what a good idea. Do you have any ideas where i might order attachments from!It was bought in a noel lemming and im assuming that they don't do the extras. any ideas would be great.
Dec 27, 10:08pm
You could look on there Web site, that maybe helpful. I have 2 older ones and most of the extras, I use most of them.
Dec 28, 5:26am
I brought a pasta attachment at noel leemings - admittedly it was an end of line for them but I'd think they would have the popular attachments.
Dec 28, 7:10pm
Contact Kenwood NZ who will give you a list of retailers in your area.
Dec 28, 9:21pm
Sorry to hi-jack your thread, taniajane, but I'm interested to know what happens when you cream the butter and sugar in your Kenwood Chef! I find the ingredients just stick to the side of the bowl and the K-beater hardly touches it, so I have to keep scraping it off and re-starting. I am wondering if the attachment lock has got out of line over the years.
Dec 28, 10:20pm
I like to get my butter really soft, then cream it and the sugar using the whiskrather than the K beater.i find it works better and is less messy.
Dec 28, 11:13pm
Thanks Andrew499. I will take your advice.
Dec 29, 4:41am
Just a handy tip.I've just replaced the seal on my Blender attachment for the first time in 28 years.I always remove the rubber seals after washing the blender (both base and lid have them) and store them loose.They dry both sides quicker and don't perish.Lid still going strong but base perished quicker as other members in the household did not follow the rules and left in the seal.
Dec 29, 6:31am
I agree, store seals separately.I too have just changed mine after well over 30 years.I get my spares from Kenwood UK, ordering online, they are quick and postage is acceptable.
Dec 29, 10:23am
#5 you can now get a k beater with a silicon edge, it is basically the same as the breville scraper beater. much better, no more stopping to scrape down the bowl
Dec 29, 5:49pm
I've seen something similar for another brand but not the kenwood one - can you point me in the right direction to try find one!
Dec 29, 7:14pm
Breville do a scraper beater as does KitchenAid
Dec 30, 3:09am
My newish one had instructions to tighten/loosen the beater - they suggested using a coin for checking the height of the beater off the bowl but you should check your manual and look to see how to adjust yours. Hope this helps.
Dec 31, 1:57am
I have acquired a manual for my kenwood a701 off the UK website and in it is says that for creaming start on a low speed until combined and gradually increase speed, but not so much that ingredients arre thrown up against the sides, so maybe slow down the beater! I honestly dont really know as I have never owned one of these amazing machines before and so am just learning.
Dec 31, 2:06am
I always put hot water into my bowl to warm it before I cream butter and sugar.That might not be helpful to you if it's a mechanical thing though.I love my Kenwood too :o)
Dec 31, 2:58am
I just got a kenwood mixer today, so so excited!
Dec 31, 5:25am
meoldchina, it sounds like your beater needs adjusting so it is just above the bottom of the bowl. If you have a manual for your mixer it will tell you how to do this with a spanner. Good mixing.
Dec 31, 5:26am
opps, I edited to delete because I sent the message x 2 sorry.
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