Of all times - almost finished mixing a double batch of biscotti when something gave way.Just as well I decided last night that we wouldn't be having a pavlova for Christmas.Not sure how my shortbread's gonna turn out now :((Its 20+ years old mind).Gonna try getting it fixed.
Dec 17, 7:02pm
What a pain.Hope you get it fixed.It is so expensive to buy a new one.
Dec 17, 7:11pm
Had my 34 year old Kenwood fixed by Rankin McManus in Dominion rd,going like a dream again
Dec 18, 12:07am
Try Morgan electrical Whangarei, I think they do repairs.
Dec 18, 3:04am
Had mine 49 yrs been serviced once in Whangarei and still going strong (touch wood).
Dec 18, 3:44am
oh no, my 35yr old sunbeam did a wonky with a beater last year, and i had to use it for almost a week with only one beater. things turned out ok tho. good luck in deciding if you need a new one. merry christmas toyou and your family.
Dec 18, 4:10am
I will have to find someone to fix/service them as well - I have two and neither of them were going right last time I used them, one was really really noisy and the other one smelled hot.
Dec 18, 11:11am
Sincerely hoping that someone will take pity on me and agree to service it "while I wait".I'm prepared to go to a movie or something.Will probably go Whangarei - they are probably a little more accommodating that the Auckland companies.Here's hoping.Will be on the phone first thing this morning. (And according to Kenwood, there are 3 companies that service them there!)
Dec 18, 2:41pm
Are you allowed (or prepared) to say who they are!It would save me having to contact Kenwood.
Dec 18, 3:05pm
Oh no, always happens when your busy eh.Have memories of mine seizing up when i was trying to make royal icing in it as a newly wed how bad is that, got it fixed, andafter another 46 yrs of use oil drippingthrough the xmas pav getting whipped upit finally died.
Dec 18, 6:22pm
Morgan Electrical in Clyde Street (I think) - down from Arthurs Emporium.The man very kindly said that if I get it there early, he will have a look at it and if possible, fix it while we do a bit of shopping.Couldn't ask for a better service.Its a long way to have to go twice.Fingers crossed now that its a part that he has in stock. And fifie - I know exactly what you men by oil in the pav - I no longer get it after changing to the K beater instead of the whisk. When washing I found that water stayed inside the top bits (where all the wire ends meet) and spun out (as black specks) into my pavs!I no longer use it if I can help it.The K beater makes the pav just as well - my recipe, anyway.
Dec 19, 4:08am
Thanks for that gardie - it won't be till next year now, but I will make a note of it, and next time I'm down in Whangarei, I'll take one of them in.Now will I take the really old really noisy one or the newer one which smells hot when it runs!Decisions, decisions!
Dec 19, 12:26pm
I have just bought the kenwood triblade.So far it seems to be really useful. Just wish it came with a holder for the attachments.
Dec 19, 12:27pm
Did you have any luck Gardie!
Dec 19, 12:35pm
Most likely the bushes need replacing which he should have in stock, get a quote for an old machine
Dec 19, 6:56pm
The gears gave up the ghost but he did have some in stock although the sizing changed from 12mm to 14mm whatever that means.Anyway, because he's of the older generation, he had stockpiled some bits and pieces and was able to fix it for $140.I am stoked. He pretty much did it while I waited and re-greased things too.Back into christmas baking now.He did say that it is so much better to repair the old machines as the new ones are made by delonghi in China!Thoroughly recommmend him Kuaka.
Dec 19, 8:48pm
Someone mechanicly minded could aproach the task of fixing it I had a cafe for several years and limped several of the older ones along.You could always put it on trade me as is lol
Dec 20, 12:59am
We have used Morgan Electrical before and they are always great They are old school type and are good at fixing things and very friendly and helpful Might have to take mine in for a service after all the work it has had to do
Dec 20, 1:00am
So glad you have your machine fixed , Really good customer service from Morgan Electrical,they are very accommodating. I had my Kenwood running today and wouldn't be without it. I recall having a similar conversation re the newones and was told never throw your old one out. Good advice.
Dec 20, 1:22am
Thanks for that gardie.I've made a note of it, and will take one of them in sometime early next year.I'm not desperate.The newer one of the two is probably about 35 years old and is in new condition.My mum bought one each for my sister and me, and mine hasn't had a lot of use at all really.My sister has worn hers out and replaced it with a new one (bet she doesn't realise it's Chinese).When mine started smelling "hot" I just left it and didn't use it, and then my (then) next door neighbour packed up and went to Oz and I bought hers for $40.It goes okay, but it's really really noisy.I know they make a noise but I'm sure it isn't supposed to quite as noisy as it is.They both have quite a few attachments, so it would be silly not to get one of them going.
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