Christmas cake icing help plz!

stretch_14, Dec 11, 7:47pm
I can bake a christmas cakeno worries but when it comes to the icingi cannever get it right!

Whats the easiest simplist way! Yes i can even stuff up the premade one too! hahaha

cgvl, Dec 11, 8:14pm
I make a brandy butter icing. Easy simple and can literally be thrown at the cake. It also covers any imperfections and does not need to be smooth, is actually better if rough looking

lilyfield, Dec 11, 8:44pm
easiest! buy ready made- roll out and drape over cake

stretch_14, Dec 11, 8:45pm
OOooo that sounds good, you can buy the brandy essence cant you!

Thanks very much for that! Its going to help heaps, now to get the fruit mix and getting baking lol.


stretch_14, Dec 11, 8:47pm
Dont ya need jam under it! I had a attempt at it and threw it in the bin lol.
My bench is completely uneven so working on chopping boards can be hardlol

11692, Dec 11, 9:21pm
Royal icing is very easy, just egg white and icing sugar with maybe a bit of lemon juice.It can be slapped on with a spatula - gives it a sort of stucco effect. You can cover all imperfections and it looks like it is supposed to be a bit uneven! Throw a bit of sparkle over it, just sugar if you don't have any glitter dust, and hey presto you have snow :), Dec 11, 10:31pm
I second the royal icing if you've got a mixer.

I usually buy almond 'icing' from the supermarket, roll it out and stick it on over a layer of watered/warmed apricot jam brushed onto the cake so the icing sticks.No need to be fussy.

Then as 11692 says, royal icing slapped on with a spatula and then touch it all over with the flat blade of the spatula to bring it up in snowy-looking peaks.

For example - not a great one, but you get the idea - For recipes see:

Using a bit of glycerine softens the icing, if you were going to make little peaks, I'd leave it out.

stretch_14, Dec 12, 2:13am
Wow! thanks for all the and links! Im gonna have some fun lol