Homemade creamed rice in the rice cooker!

sarahw2, Nov 24, 3:57am
Has anyone made this! I have made it in the slow cooker, but never in my rice cooker. Thanks:-)

davidt4, Nov 24, 1:42pm
I've made coconut creamed rice in a rice cooker and it worked well.Give it about 30 minutes on high, stir it from time to time,then turn down to the "keep warm" setting and give it another 30 minutes or longer.

freestar5, Dec 22, 3:03am
1 Cup of rice
1 Cup sugar
2 litres Blue milk
1 teaspoon vanila
Cook on high for 4 hours.Yummmmm
Tastes as close to creammed rice as possible
my kids love the left overs for breakfast!