Green as in whole, ungutted and un-scaled. But it was bled. Had lovely neighbour drop some off last night, but couldnt cook then and there as dinner was already in the oven.I threw it straight in the freezer. Have I buggered it or am I going to be able to thaw and use safely!
Oct 24, 3:21am
Hmmm, I would always gut the fish with in a couple of hours of catching it. The guts will tant the fish and it will smell. I would not eat it, treat your cat to a fish dinner.
Oct 24, 3:32am
I would have gutted the fish before freezing.IMO it leaves a definite smell in the flesh if the guts are not removed before freezing and I wouldn't eat it.
Oct 24, 3:35am
Likewise, it's okay to leave the scales on, but definitely should be gutted before freezing.The cat will probably appreciate it!
Oct 24, 3:34pm
If it was in really good condition when it went into the freezer it will be fine. just thaw slowly and then cut up as usual as soon as soft enough. Not great practise but it will be OK. It all depends on what happened before it went into the freezer.
Interestingly fresh caught snapper is rarely as good as the commercially caught which is basically unhooked from the longline and dropped straight on salt ice guts and all. Sometimes it isn't gutted for a couple of days when it is done its very close to frozen because of the salt ice. unlike amatuer fishermen who gill and gut imediately then leave the fish in an inaequately chilled bin soaking in its own gut juices within a few hours its barely edible.
Oct 25, 7:40pm
I would NEVER give anyone a whole snapper that wasn't gilled and gutted.:{{nice gesture BUT
Oct 25, 8:37pm
Agreed, generally I also fillet skin and bone too as not many people can do that these days.
Oct 25, 10:59pm
We had 3 in the fridge overnight yesterday and then filleted them for dinner.The taste was a little stronger than usual but I was the only one who noticed it.(Hubby didn't get home from fishing till late).I think I'll make him do it the same day now.My Dad taught me to fillet when I was quite young and so I had to teach my hubby!Its his job now.
Oct 25, 11:07pm
Snapper should be "Ikied"(spiked in the brain to kill them instantly) and placed in a slurry of salt ice and sea water.This keeps the fish in prime condition until you get home. fillet, skin and bone (but NEVER washed in fresh water). If there is blood on the fillet, use the back of your knife to scrape it of. can be bagged in meal size portions and frozen but I like some placed on a plate and lightly salted for the next day. IMHO it tastes better than real fresh fish fillets cooked .mind you any fresh snapper is magic.:}
Oct 26, 5:20am
thats you but i am lazy. when i worked on a charter boat the overseas clients used to not want to take home there catch. some times i had 40 snapper to give away. i just went around to some old people my mum know and drop off the fish. bugger if i am taking home that many fish and stinking up my house,
Oct 26, 7:47am
I find that too some clients not all foriegn throw everything they catch into the kill bin then at the end of the day walk off and leave them on the boat. Can get hard to give it all away sometimes though local foodbank take it If I fillet it. Fortunately that is improving with locals thanks to the various fishing shows and we get a bit tougher on the catch and release thing.
Oct 26, 11:07pm
Snapper should be "Ikied"(spiked in the brain to kill them instantly) and placed in a slurry of salt ice and sea water.This keeps the fish in prime condition until you get home. fillet, skin and bone (but NEVER washed in fresh water). If there is blood on the fillet, use the back of your knife to scrape it of. can be bagged in meal size portions and frozen but I like some placed on a plate and lightly salted for the next day. IMHO it tastes better than real fresh fish fillets cooked .mind you any fresh snapper is magic.:} Got a 21 pounder the other day , one that I would normally release back into the sea, but he was gut hooked and bleeding and wouldn't survive return.bit sad but we kept him and cut him into 6 large portions and used the flaps as well. Heads of all the fish we caught that day goes to Maori mate down the way. Big fish into the smoker with the new smoke cannon.Some went to my sister, my mate visiting from Tauranga, sis's sister in law to take back to New Plymouth and my fishing buddy. Eating some now with a few bourbons.:}
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