Washing Soda

pebbles211, Mar 24, 10:08pm
We can I buy this and how much is it please?

245sam, Mar 24, 10:14pm
pebbles211, washing soda crystals can be found at the supermarket alongside the laundry powders (Persil, Surf, etc. ) and from memory I think a 1 Kg container is about $4. 00 - look for a yellow-lidded white container with a mainly blue and white label; brand name is "greenwoods".
I believe, but have not checked re this, that washing soda can also be found at Bin Inn. :-))

pebbles211, Mar 24, 11:00pm
You rock thank you so much :)

paghan, Mar 25, 2:37am
I but it from Bin Inn $2. 99 a kg.

245sam, Mar 26, 6:47am
pebbles211, whilst at Pak n Save on Friday afternoon I noted that 1 Kg Washing Soda Crystals was priced at$3. 40. :-))

twinsforus, Dec 7, 4:13am
Also comes in a green and white box... . . made by Clarks.