Hi all, after some reminiscing about my nana's fav dessert I thought I would have a crack. I even got the recipe out of the old Edmonds cookbook to make sure I had it right. Anyway, long story short is that it all seperated :( Can I have some pointers on how to make this a success! Cheers!
Oct 4, 6:20pm
Tarme220, when you say it " all separated " do you mean that the pudding separated into layers after it was put in the fridge to set because that's what is meant to happen. On the other hand if the mixture curdled there are a number of reasons why that could happen.
Oct 4, 6:23pm
Spanish Cream when I was a child always separated into two layers, a frothy one on top and a clear jelly underneath.Alexa Johnston is the authority on NZ puddings - here's a link to her recipe.Her latest book "What's for Pudding" is wonderful.
Yes, her latest book is really great. I remember Spanish Cream separating into 3 layers, the clear jelly, then a custard and a frothy top layer. I still make it occasionally in summer to have with berries and it is also delicious with figs.
Oct 4, 6:36pm
Oh really! I thought I remembered it being all as one. That's my memory for you! I ended up chucking it out as I thought I had mucked it up. Thank you for your help :)
Oct 4, 6:40pm
DT4 - I agree that her latest book is indeed wonderful. A trip down memory lane, only better! I'm going to make her Christmas jelly pudding this year.
Oct 4, 7:26pm
The Lemon Sago is really delicious and wheat-free!
Oct 4, 10:12pm
Swiss Cream. I am thinking you may be wanting to make, Swiss Cream. A jelly made with, 1 cup of hot water, chilled Whip up a can of ice cold unsweetened condensed milk, add the cold jelly. That was a favorite, my Nana used to make us. Special times. I don't think I would use a whole cup of water in the jelly thses days, maybe 3/4 of a cup.
Oct 5, 12:03am
We called this Foam Pudding and it was my grandfathers favourite.Yum - must make it again some time.Gonna try it using my weight watchers jellies.
Oct 7, 3:31pm
Great come back with the results.gardie.I use the cold water jellies now, I may try one of those. Just have to buy the can of milk, it is not something I keep in my pantry, The last can, went off, went a horrid brown colour.
Oct 7, 5:14pm
The foam pudding, I thought it was made with a can of ice cold evaporated milk.Could that be right!
Oct 7, 7:44pm
That is exactly what a can of ice cold unsweetened condensed milk is - evaporated milk.
Oct 8, 6:25am
cool desserts
Oct 9, 3:20am
What do you do after the jelly is added! do you whip it again!
Oct 10, 4:20am
My grandmother used to make this. Always lime and always served in the same bowls and always yummy. I have th ebowls now LOL
Oct 10, 4:28am
Oh wow.just remembered about Spanish Cream and must make it soon! What about Icecream Pudding! Was that an Edmonds recipe! Anyone!
Oct 10, 4:38am
Yes I've made the icecream pudding and my mother and grandmother made it too. it is in earlier versions of the Edmonds book. I also recall my grandmother made the Spanish Cream and it was always deliciious especially when served with raspberries. There was also a jelly recipe similar to the one that uses the unsweetened condensed milk that required a couple of eggs. I used to make that one quite a bit when first married however I decided that rather than serve a dish with raw eggs, I switched to the evaporated milk one and as that was so easy, I stuck to it. Also in the older Edmonds books was another way of achieving a fluffy jelly by simply adding another tablespoon of gelatine to it but I can't remember how much water and then whipping it up to a lovely firm fluffy desert that went well with fruit and cream.
Oct 10, 5:53am
I used to do one which was made with jelly and semolina.
Put 2 dsp sugar, 2 dsp semolina and 2.5 cups water in a saucepan and cook for 5 minutes.Add to jelly.When cool beat until light and fluffy and put in fridge to set.It forms a jelly base with a fluffy top.
Oct 10, 3:09pm
I remember my mother making Ice Cream Pudding - it was a kind of blancmange, but not as solid.She sometimes flavoured it with peach leaves.I don't know how she made it and I'd love to find a recipe.
Oct 10, 5:34pm
Maybe there is a recipe in Alexa Johnston's new book. This version is from the early 80s Edmonds.
Ice Cream Pudding
50 g butter 50 g sugar 25 g flour 1 egg 600 ml milk Vanilla
Cream butter and sugar, add flour then gradually add beaten egg. Heat the milk and pour into the mixture then return to pan . Bring to boil and cook 5 mins stirring all the time. Add vanilla then cool quickly and refrigerate.
Oct 10, 6:09pm
Thanks; that sounds exactly right.So it's a thick buttery custard.No wonder I liked it so much!
Oct 10, 10:34pm
Mum made IceCream pudding out of Edmonds book for Sunday roast lunch pud.She added drained pineapple pieces in bottom of bowl then whipped cream on pudding with hundreds and thousands.yum.And I still love it.And I'm now 60 so we go back a while
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