Just brought a pizza stone & now looking for best receipe & ideas please
Sep 22, 1:14am
Farrah wraps all the way in this household. Tee Hee.
Sep 22, 3:17am
Courtesy of all-recipes. 2¼ teaspoons instant dried yeast ½ teaspoon dark brown soft sugar 375ml (1½ cups) warm water (45 C) 1 teaspoon salt 1½ tablespoons olive oil 500g (4 cups) plain flour
Preparation method Prep: 30 mins |Cook: 20 mins
In a large bowl, dissolve the yeast and brown sugar in the warm water, and let sit for 10 minutes.
Stir the salt and oil into the yeast mixture. Mix in half of the flour.
Turn dough out onto a clean, well floured surface, and knead in more flour until the dough is no longer sticky. Place the dough into a well oiled bowl, and cover with a damp cloth.
Let the dough rise until double, this should take about 1 hour.
Punch down the dough, and form a tight ball. Allow the dough to relax for a minute before rolling out. Use for your favourite pizza recipe.
Preheat oven to 220 C. If you are baking the dough on a pizza stone, you may place your toppings on the dough, and bake immediately. If you are baking your pizza in a tray, lightly oil the pan, and let the dough rise for 15 or 20 minutes before topping and baking it.
Bake pizza in preheated oven for about 15-20 minutes until the cheese and crust are golden brown
Sep 22, 3:48am
Thanx so much!
Sep 22, 6:11am
I use the turkish thin pizza bases, as I cannot make my homemade pizza dough into a thin base, tried a few recipes, but no luck.
try wholemeal flour also . wee bit healthier .but hey it's pizza it's not supposed to be healthy
Sep 22, 8:52pm
You can add some mixed herbs or garlic or grated cheese to the dough after it has risen, if you like
Sep 23, 4:35am
All your help has been fantastic!
Sep 25, 9:43am
What's a Farrah wrap!Is that uli's recipe!
Sep 26, 2:31am
I thought you were the queen of all things unauthentic and purchased from Pak-n-Save. Just for your information, Farrah is a brand name and they make wraps in many different flavours. They are full of yummy stuff like preservative, colour and similar, however, for a really thin pizza base which can be easily cooked on a hot plate or in a largish frying pan, (if you know the tricks) then this is what I choose, especially when I am cooking for people who don't give a rat's fig what they stick in their mouths.
Sep 26, 4:11am
I think you must be confusing me with sossie1 who started a thread on quick tips and hints to help the busy cook.
.'rat's fig'!Is that similar to a 'mountain oyster'!Is it meaty!Low carb!
How nice for you to be able to cook also for people who do 'give a rat's fig'.I hope you are kept well supplied.
Sep 26, 4:17am
"Mountain oyster" is a bit outside my lexicon.
I admit it. I mixed my metaphors to prevent using a bad word.
And yes, I do have enough people to cook for who do give a rats what they put into their faces but why would I bother for those who don't!
Sep 26, 4:25am
FYI 1.mountain oyster beef testicles battered and fried; considered gourmet dining in the American West even though they are tough and have gristles
2. mountain oyster sheep's testicles; most likely originated in Australia or new Zealand, due to one of the main livestock being a sheep
Oct 1, 3:57am
Is that all you can come up with - pretty poor Ellie H.
Why not copy and paste my best ever Italian pizza base recipe if you want to sail on the back of my famous recipes LOL :)
You have done so in the past - or has it dropped off by now!
Oct 1, 7:47am
Hi Uli, could you please post your best ever Italian pizza base recipe. I would love a copy of it, please share. I have been reading this site for a while and you post such good info and recipes tia
As you requested.did the hard yards of 'Search' for you ;)
Oct 1, 8:42am
Hi Knowsley thanks great site but so much reading I cant see the recipe can you cut and paste it here for me, is it also in American measurements! TIA
Oct 1, 8:43am
Thanks Elliehen, I typed in best ever Italian pizza base recipe and searched a year old and it didn't show so thanks for your help, will save it now :-) Cheers
Oct 1, 8:45am
Wow cauliflower wasnt expecting that, I shall try it, I wonder if you can taste the cauliflower, not that I mind just curious.
Oct 1, 8:48am
Elliehen, would that be grated cooked cauli, I am guessing so, but really not sure, can you help. Thank you
Oct 1, 8:50am
Sorry, I haven't tried this myself but have seen it recommended by another poster.will see if I can find it.Maybe uli will return with the answer.
Oct 1, 8:55am
This is the other one - very similar to uli's recipe.
Oct 1, 9:02am
To be honest, if you can't read through the page to find the recipe, I sincerely doubt you'll bother to make it. It's not a 5 minute process. You'd probably be better off with one of the other recipes.
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