create hard, tough edges - like my old one does! Recommendations appreciated as I don't want to buy one and find my teeth can't cope lol !
Sep 23, 2:42am
get a press and not a sandie maker:)
Or a heavy based bottom fry pan:) Making some now in my good heavy pan.
Sep 23, 2:47am
lx4000 - Does a press let you use decent amount of filling and not have itfall out! Can't put much in when I use fry pan. Everyone seems to love their sammy maker!.
Sep 23, 3:34am
I think the toastie pie sandwich makes all leave hard crusts Tabitha - its part andparcelof their sealing mechanism and they do take a lot more filling than sandwich presses.You can always cut off a crust and eat down to the other - not elegant though.
Sep 23, 4:39am
I like those crusty edges, although - as greerg says - you can eat the middle out.and then perhaps give the crust to the birds!
I think the press version has to be eaten with two hands, and even then filling falls out.
Sep 23, 5:52am
I would like to find one that actually toasts the bread. I have a sandwich press but found that the cheese all ran out so then I bought a Sunbeam one, and while the cheese stays where it should, the bread never toasts no matter how long I leave it on. I would really like to know if there is one that keeps the cheese in AND toasts the bread. I don't think I am asking for the moon and the sun.
Sep 23, 6:12am
I've got a cheap little Ronson sandwich press and love it - there is just enough weight in the lid to toast the bread nicely without squeezing all the filling out. My husband seems to get melted cheese everywhere but it's not a problem for me. I think he just puts too much cheese in there in the first place :-)
Sep 23, 6:28am
I don't butter the outside of the bread and it toasts to a nice colour without being greasy.
I use Vogel's for the savoury sammies, but occasionally make a dessert sammie - buttered white bread with peaches, or apple, which I then sprinkle with sugar & cinnamon.
Sep 23, 6:49am
This thread is making me want a late-night snack. Cheese and basil pesto on soy and linseed bread seems like a good choice right now!
I don't butter the outside of the bread either.
Sep 23, 5:37pm
.or any time ;)
Another good combo is celery, cheese and black olives.
Sep 23, 5:42pm
I have tried a few sandwich machines and they never seem to brown properly and spew out the fillings, the only succesful way to get them right for me anyway is to use the electric frypan, they come out perfect every time.
Sep 23, 6:27pm
is anyone an egg and cheese sammie freak like me. when its a late night snack i love to have a very brown toastie sammie with egg and cheese in the middle its just to die for.
Sep 23, 8:05pm
Any time is toasted sammie time.and the great thing is you can go walkabout with them or even eat them at your desk ;)
Sep 24, 2:12am
Thanks for the help everyone. Trouble with my old one is, by the time you cut the crusts off, there's not much left!
Sep 24, 3:46am
I have a Kambrook sandwich press and it toasts my sammies perfectly with or without butter, of course it depends on your fillings but I don't generally have too much problem with my fillings falling out and we have cheese and spaghetti quite often.
Sep 24, 3:54am
i now make all our toasted sandwiches on the george foreman grill.browns lovely makes them yummy and its a great machine to clean as well
Sep 25, 12:06am
Mmmmm - that's something I hadn't thought of! Thanks for the ideas.
Sep 25, 10:28pm
I have a panini press, but I actually like the old style as well, depending on the filling. and yes the george forman is also great.
Sep 26, 1:23am
Thanks for all the ideas. Appreciate your help.
Sep 26, 7:20pm
ive got a flat press (dosnt have the serated edge) and ill neva go back to the old sami machines.these are WAY betta.
Sep 26, 8:45pm
OMG what a clever idea!
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