Can I Bake Cake in Metal Mixing Bowl??

dotty23, Jul 21, 10:16am
I'm wanting to bake a soccer ball birthday cake for my daughter at the weekend. I've googled a few & people have made a round cake using a deep "bowl".Does anyone know if a stainless mixing bowl would be OK to bake a cake in?Be interesting to see how long it takes for the middle to cook- and if the top burns before the middle is cooked@!TIA

schnauzer11, Jul 21, 11:00am
That'll be fine-place a sheet of foil loosely over the top of the bowl to avoid scorching.

elliehen, Jul 21, 11:35am
Might be more predictable if you bake it in two bowls and put the halves together.

chicco2, Jul 21, 6:13pm
What ellihen said, Be sure to spray or grease the bowl first and I use some baking paper in the bowl too. Cut some FL:APS in the paper so it sits in the bowl better. Dont forget to post a pic when its all done, please.
You can also use a steam pud bowl or a pyrex mixing bowl.

obsidianwings, Jul 21, 7:52pm
I presume you are doing as elliehen said, I have done this for a kiwifruit cake and it turned out fine, and I am rubbish at baking! I think I did put some foil on partway through.

dotty23, Jul 21, 8:17pm
Wonderful!Thanks for that people. Will see how I go..... watch this space!

murdoc4, Jul 21, 8:58pm
When I use my stainless bowls, I make sure I reduce the cooking temp ( if recipe states 180C I alter to 160-170C and increase cooking time by 20-30mins).

jag5, Jul 22, 12:43am
Yep....never been a problem....used to make Dolly Varden cakes for little girls (centuries ago) that was half a round cake with a doll stuck in the top when done.....then iced all over.....used to look lovely

lythande1, 3 days, 22 hours
I bake in all sorts of things. Never did figure out why you need special equipment.