Hi guys i have a good friend coming over for a few days but she cant have dairy. Shes a student so shes living on the bones of her a$^ at the moment, practically living on rice.
Can anyone suggest any awesome dairy free meals i could do for a treat?
Minds gone blank tonight TIA
Jun 22, 11:01pm
Spag bol, meatloaf, casseroles, roast chicken, fish, stir fry....god why is she living on rice???A $10 chicken would feed her for 3 days, fish for 1 person is quite cheap and very nutritious....tell her to go get a food parcel - sounds like she is in need.
Jun 22, 11:12pm
kilo of mussels ....3 bux in p&s
Jun 22, 11:15pm
Well that's easy - meat, chicken, fish, veges, eggs, fruit.
Jun 26, 4:20am
she has had to get help from student association but shes looking for parttime work. she never normally doesnt have a job but times are hard i guess and being at uni all day all week leaves her nights and she finds it hard to travel far on such a tight budget. Thanks for the suggestions i think i might buy her a chicken :)
Jun 26, 10:46pm
If you buy her a chicken, watch out for any additives. Some stuffing in roast chicken, including marinades have dairy in them. I was going to make some kings minestrone soup then checked the soup mix - it has parmesan cheese in it!
Basically, if you want to be certain, make it from scratch.
Jun 27, 12:11am
If you want to treat her go all out on a roast with all the trimmings - big chook or hunk of pork .... do heaps of roast veg ie. spuds, kumara, pumpkin, parsnips, carrots, onions, garlic, as well as some fresh greens & make a nice gravy. And make sure you send her home with all the leftovers :)
Jun 27, 2:05am
use olivani margarnie or any olive oil items for baking, cooking etc , soy milk i use in my cooking as i was off dairy for a while, u can get dairy free icecream, biscuits u have to basically ame yourself if u want those and bread u can eat soy and linseed breads just check the brands - ploughmans and another brand are fine and i use rolled oats as an alternative tob readcrumbs when crumbing things
Jun 27, 4:40am
Yes, just make any biscuits or cakes for your dessert with Soy Milk - we don't notice any difference - even rice pud works well.(Any Soy Milk - but the one they use at Macca's is yuk - can't remember name now but it tastes bad - we use Pams or So Good)
Dec 17, 3:43am
Lovely rabbit!! I too used to wdnoer how people could create something just by folding a piece of paper. As I have practiced it, I find that origami is a bit like music or like painting. We learn the basics notes or color combinations, and little by little we start to add "vocabulary" until one day we are able to do something on our own.
Dec 17, 8:19pm
I've been waiting for you to post an orgmaii bunny for Easter! This looks like a challenge but worth it! I mean, check out the little bunny hands! I'm linking you up to my blog. Hope you don't mind.Funny cause my daughter and i were just wondering the same thing---how do people imagine these things up?
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