use flakey pastry, I use the ready rolled sheets, prick the sheet with a fork, bake 2 sheets in oven till cooked, when you get it out while it is still hot gently roll a rolling pin over it to deflate it. Make custard I just use the edmonds and add a little more sugar, make it quite thick, probably twice amount of powder to the milk, when nice and thick but still pourable pour onto one sheet of the pastry and put the other one on top, when cold ice with vanilla icing, which is icing sugar, butter and vanilla essence. If you are worried that it may run all over the place cut your sheets to fit a rectangle baking tray and when doing the custard put the pasty into container. When cold use a serated knife to cut, trim the edges as the custard wont have gone right out there, and cut into peices.
Mar 18, 12:33am
Thank you so much, sounds like the one I need to try. Reads very yummy many thanks " margyr"
Mar 18, 12:47am
Vanilla Slice... . I used to get a French Vanilla Slice, which is quite different to custard square. The filling is quite whipped creamyish if that makes sense. It was a soft filling, not dense like custard. They were so yummy, but never see them around anymore.
Mar 18, 12:55am
if you wait till the custard is cooled you can then add whipped cream and use that, harder to cut though, you can put all sorts of icing on raspberry essence and make a pink icing, even a gnache is nice, do it in 3 layers of pastry, first custard and cream filling, pastry spread this one with raspberry jam and whipped cream ( if you can get a stabiliser for the cream better still), another layer of pastry and then ice with the rasp icing. But the trick is to use a good serated knife for cutting and take your time, dont push down too hard or it will squish everywhere.
Mar 18, 12:59am
i googled how to stabilize whipped cream as every place i have worked in have had a powdered product that we just added but this should work too. Soak plain gelatin in cold water for 5 minutes. Dissolve by placing it in a container over a small pot of simmering water. Whip the cream until barely stiff. Add melted gelatin all at once to cream during whipping. Stop whipping when cream forms soft peaks. Tips: For 1 cup of cream use 1/2 teaspoon gelatin soaked in 1 tablespoon cold water. For 2 cups of cream use 1 teaspoon gelatin soaked in 2 tablespoons cold water. For 6 cups of cream use 1 tablespoon soaked in 1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoon cold water.
Mar 18, 2:36am
Couplands do both the Vanilla & Custard squares/slices, they are yummmy!
Nov 11, 12:15pm
lemon icing is nice too . you can also boil sweetened condensed milk till it goes to caramel and put a layer of that them a layer of whipped cream and lemon icing its very sweet so we only have it once a year
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