Unbaked citrus slice!

thuntzster, Dec 15, 2:13am
Got the recipe off a favourites on this site. It was such agood recipe but now I seem to have lost it. Can anyone remember it?

jessie981, Dec 15, 2:19am
This is the one I make: Apricot Fudge
125gr butter, 3/4c br sugar, 1/2 tin condensed milk, 1c chopped dried apricots, pkt crushed malt biscuits. Stir butter, cond milk & sugar over a low heat until butter has melt. Stir in biscuits & apricots. Press into a sponge roll tin & ice with lemon icing.

Recipe you want maybe on trademecooks.net.nz

harrislucinda, Dec 15, 2:31am
mine is4ozbutter6ozbrown sugar1/2 tin condensedmilk1cupcoconut1 1/2pktswinebiscuitsgratedrindoforange
meltbutterandsugarmilkandthen addcoconutandcrushedwinebiscuitpress into aslice tayicewith buttericing

245sam, Dec 15, 2:56am
from:- http://trademecooks.net.nz/viewtopic. php? f=15&t=622
"Uncooked Citrus Slice
1 Pkt superwine or malt biscuits crushed, 1/2 tin condensed milk, 3/4 C coconut, 1 lemon or orange (juice & zest), 125g melted butter. Mix together, press into tin. Refrigerate. Ice with citrus lemon icing and refrigerate again before slicing.
posted by pam. delilah. ":-))

freakattack3, Dec 15, 3:10am
Hi 245sam how do you make the lemon icing? Thanks

245sam, Dec 15, 3:38am
freakattack3, the recipe as posted by pam. delilah, and copied and pasted above at #4, is very similar to Alison Holst's recipe for Orange or Lemon Slice so here is Alison's icing recipe:

Orange or Lemon Icing
2 tbsp butter, softened but not melted
1 cup icing sugar
about 1 tbsp orange or lemon juice

Put the butter into a bowl and add the icing sugar with enough juice to mix so the icing mixture will spread smoothly over the biscuit mixture. :-))

freakattack3, Dec 15, 4:31am
Thanks for thar 245sam, gonna try these tomorrow.

dutchygal, Mar 16, 9:09pm
Whenever I make uncooked fudge cake once mixed the butter separates from the mix and I end up with an oily buttery surface. What am I doing wrong ? Anyone know ?

dutchygal, Mar 16, 9:10pm
oooops that was ment to be in the fudge slice thread ! Never mind ... may still get an answer !

margyr, Nov 9, 9:56am
just add more biscuits dutchygal, or use less butter.