what do you do to get nice crispy crackle on a roast pork?
May 29, 12:07am
Lots of salt and oil!!!! Soooooo good for you....NOT! lol.
May 29, 1:12am
As above lots of salt and to start with cook on a high heat then drop the temperature down - yummo :O)
May 29, 1:27am
Cut it off the meat - which removes the moisture, which is the problem.
May 29, 2:50am
Never fail:
heat oven to very hot (220 for mine). Dry skin with papertowel. Rub in oil, then rub in good quantities of salt. Place in oven for 15 minutes, then turn down to 180 for the rest of the cooking. Crackling will be perfect every time.
May 29, 5:03am
by now its probably in the oven, but this is what I normally do. make sure the rind is really well scored, then rub in butter or marg and salt. Really slather it in. Into hot oven 220-230 c for 15-20 mins You should see the crackle pop and rise, then take the meat out cool oven down to 180c cook 30mins per 5oogms. Same as norse_westie really. this method used by Gordon Ramsay and Jo Seager. never fail! If you have already started cooking, then pop the hotgrill on at the end, and pop the crackle under.
May 29, 5:23am
im cookin a roast pork on the spit as we chat not not long now YUUUUMMMMMIIIEEEEE
May 30, 4:03am
Was watching masterchef the other week - salted and oiled up, grilled for 20mins and then switched to bake untill cooked. Looked so delicious lol!!
May 30, 8:07am
Salt plus fat equals heart danger! throw out crackling and enjoy lean meat and the queen will send you a birthday card!
May 30, 9:20am
Nana still loves her crackling has done all her life and got her card from the queen last year. Fat being unhealthy is a myth which is fast being tossed out by thenutritionists.
May 30, 9:27am
i agree but even better, if you can do what annabelle langbein says and buy the roast at least 1 day before u r going to cook it and leave in unwrapped in the fridge to naturally dry.............then you could also do her slow roast pork which -8 hours, i did it once and i couldnt carve the meat it just feel apart - was so so good!!!!'' takes about 6=
May 31, 9:30am
I put in in the micro to finish off after roasting as per normal. Put on a micro safe dish, pref not plastic, and micro on high for a minute at a time. You must cover it with a handy towel or else the inside of the micro gets the fat splatters. What micro heat does, is it puffs it up like the pork scratchings you can buy. The fat drains off to leave the crackling a lot less fattening. Try a little bit to test it, you'll be surprised
May 31, 11:54pm
Pour boiling water over the crackling. Dry thoroughly.Put in oven at 220 deg.C. until browned, turn down oven and cook slowly.
Oct 8, 9:19am
After cooking the roast I cut through between the crackle and the meat and place crackle on a metal dish under the grill until crisp. Much easier to slice the roast without the skin on it also. You can do the crackle to whatever degree you wish. I like mine really crisp.
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