think thats what its called - the one with rice bubbles and honey. anyone got the recipe pretty please??? thanks!
May 24, 12:23am
from an old thread by someone else;125g butter, 2 Tbs Honey, 125g Sugar, 1 tsp vanilla essence, 4 cups rice bubbles. Place butter, sugar and honey in a large saucepan and boil for 3 mins. Stir in vanilla and rice bubbles. Mix and press into a slice tin. Cut while warm, leave to set. Quote ams7 (22 )3:39 pm, Mon 25 Oct #3
May 24, 12:24am
oh awesome TA!!
May 24, 4:19am
Honey & Rice Bubble Slice 125gr butter 125gr sugar 2TBSPs honey or golden syrup Boil gently 5mins. Remove from heat & add 4c rice bubbles Press in a sponge roll tin. Cut while warm
May 24, 4:31am
mine iscallednightingales1 cup sugar 1egg6oz butter 1/ 1/2 cups chopped dates3cups rice bubbles vanillaessbeat sugar and eggmelt butteraddto egg and cook a few minsthen adddates and rice bubblesputin traycutinto squares
May 24, 1:42pm
3 oz butter 3 tbsp brown sugar 3 tsp honey 3 cups rice bubbles
Boil first 3 ingredients for 4 mins, then add the rice bubbles.Spread into tin and cut before its cold.If you cook the mix for less it'll be softer, longer - more crispier.I love this recipe because I remember its all 3's except for the 4 mins cooking.And you whip it up so quickly, it sets in the freezer in about 5 mins and it's sooo good.
May 25, 12:20am
think thats what its called - the one with rice bubbles and honey. anyone got the recipe pretty please! thanks!
May 25, 12:24am
oh awesome TA!
Sep 27, 11:03pm
3 oz butter 3 tbsp brown sugar 3 tsp honey 3 cups rice bubbles
Boil first 3 ingredients for 4 mins, then add the rice bubbles.Spread into tin and cut before its cold.If you cook the mix for less it'll be softer, longer - more crispier.I love this recipe because I remember its all 3's except for the 4 mins cooking.And you whip it up so quickly, it sets in the freezer in about 5 mins and it's sooo good.
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