What's on your Cook Book Wishlist?

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stefanie, May 24, 3:57pm
Hi, I like the (Asian) the beautiful cook book series (particulary the Chinese and Thai), also Donna Hay, Julie Le Clerke and Annabel Langbein.
My husband got me a book called Mediterranean cookbook by Paul Gayler, I love this book, but the recipes are not 'quick'.
I agree with another poster, my favourite books are a '58 cookbook which came with the electrical stove and an old Dr. Oetker baking book, both 10 years older than myself. The former has recipes which hardly anyone does from scratch nowadays (am talking about German potatoe dumplings etc). However, they wouldn't look that good in a brand new kitchen.

moggie57, May 24, 11:25pm
THE TIN GOOSE cookbook.there are cafes in alexandra/cromwell/q-town.am-
azing book.i have seen it so on my wish list also $50.Annabel langbein one is good too.i got it through flybuys.

juliewn, May 25, 6:47am
Me too. love to browse through them. I love the fundraising type books too. with their adverts and recipes that are tried and true.

gerty, May 26, 6:28am
I like Annabel L & Donna Hay too. got my eye on some of those.

skye7, May 28, 4:55am
Agreed this is a great book. Also Lisa Loveday's pressure cooker book

snowboard123, May 29, 1:32am
I have the new one by Annabel langbein and I have just ordered the new donna hay book.I love cook books to.Magazine as well.I am serioiusly bad at buying food magazines!

samboy, May 29, 3:10am
I have 4 shelves of cookbooks from very old to very new.One is written by my mum in a bound notebook from the time she was 15 and 'did housework', she would be just on 100 now.Its a little like an account of her life as it starts off with recipes for the family she worked for, then "little treats for my new hubby", then baby foods, pureed brains etc, then on to family meals and school lunches and biscuits.She has put little comments like "this is very nice and very delicious", she has recipes from friends and relatives she has written in as well as well as old war time remedies, using up rations, plunket mix for coughs, No computers to type things out in those days.Its a real treasure and I have memories of licking the bowl when she made biscuits from her book.

jed, Aug 2, 8:48pm
Have just purchased a copy of Annabel Langbein's The Free Range Cook from www.thebookdepository.co.ukIt was very reasonably priced at 17pounds which works out to NZ$31 and free shipping.What a great site.I can't wait to receive the book and start experimenting.

davidt4, Aug 2, 9:25pm
Claudia Roden's The Food of Spain has just arrived in the mail from Book Depository.My wish list is now fulfilled and I can hardly wait to sit down with it.

elliehen, Aug 2, 10:37pm
Here's a Claudia Roden listing with a Start/Reserve of just one dollar for anyone interested in the food of Italy.395623383

"Claudia Roden is a cookbook writer based in the United Kingdom. She was born 1936 in Cairo, Egypt. After completing her formal education in Paris, she moved to London to study art. She is best known as the author of Middle Eastern cookbooks includingA Book of Middle Eastern Food (Penguin Books, 1968), The New Book of Middle Eastern Food (Knopf, 2000, ISBN 0375405062 US edition), The Book of Jewish Food (Knopf, 1997, ISBN 0394532589) and Arabesque Sumptuous Food from Morocco, Turkey and Lebanon (Michael Joseph, 2005)."

elliehen, Aug 3, 12:13am
I've just stumbled across an old treasure - "Mackenzie Roundup -More of our Favourites- Recipes from the Mackenzie Country" 1992, 152pp.

jenjen76, Aug 4, 8:28pm
I have a borrowed copy of Donna Hay's Classics Book 2. It seems to be my 'go to' book of the moment for sweet things and very glad to have it. It's been "borrowed" for the last 18 months.hope my Sister-in-law doesn't want it back soon :-)

davidt4, Aug 4, 9:06pm
I have a wall full of cookbooks.I don't drool but I do use them.

elliehen, Aug 4, 11:45pm
I've got quite a few shelves of them - just part of several walls of books.A cookbook is just another book - good reading, even if you use only one or two recipes from each.or none :)

meegs35, Aug 4, 11:51pm
You have to compare prices though as with book depository they can often be a bit higher. I just bought 3 cookbooks off amazon.co.uk.one you can't get here and the other 2 cost $75 each. I paid $62 all up. Pretty good really!

lindylambchops1, Aug 5, 1:25am
I'd like to get Allyson Gofton's Country Calendar Cookbook.

nzl99, Aug 6, 2:11am

lodgelocum, Sep 1, 1:43am
Also Annabel L. and Donna Hay.Plus my mums hardcovered notebook of her favourite recipes dated from around 1950's.Pity todays cookbooks are so expensive.

craig04, Sep 1, 2:39am
I'm looking forward to inheriting my Nana's cookbook one day, Mum has promised me that she will pass it on when she is done with it. Nana had the best whitebait fritter recipe and made the most delicious apple and rhubarb shortcake - actually it would be awesome to publish it as a cookbook, it's full of great wholesome old-fashioned recipes

sandra25, Sep 1, 4:51am
I have it - arrived on Monday. All 23kg's of it. Not book is amazaing - Books are Amazing - all 6 of them!

deus701, Sep 1, 5:03am
Let me know if you're thinking of selling it =p

Im wanting a book by Edward Notter: The Art of the Chocolatier. but but there is a mistake in the book where it says pie is 1.6180 instead phi. I guess its very anal of me.

greerg, Nov 21, 12:46am
Looks as if you've had a good year southerngurl - there are way worse addictions!

parsondian, Nov 22, 1:35am
My latest buy too.

bedazzledjewels, Dec 10, 3:22pm
I must look at that too DT4

Any others on the wish list anyone!

supercook, Dec 10, 3:56pm
Riverstone kitchen recipebook is beautiful.