*** 4 ingrediants cook book***

standard, May 20, 12:33am
Has anyone got one of these and did you buy it in NZ?Recommended?

klc1, May 20, 12:38am
The Libraries have copies of it.

steptoeandsons, May 20, 12:52am
I saw one today at Bin Inn in Kamo - Whangarei

pickles7, May 20, 12:59am
I have the one put out by "Henry McNulty" A bit of a classy book. first printed in 1985

duckmoon, May 20, 1:16am
I think that the authors have some good ideas... but I would describe it as a "construction book" - rather than a "cook book"

dlmckay, May 20, 1:21am
I have an American published one and it's not that great.A lot of the four ingredients are sachets of stuff that aren't available here.

I do have one that is UK published (Hamlyn) and has four main ingredients and relies on a stocked storecupboard, which is much better.The Four Ingredients Student Cookbook.

wineo, May 20, 2:02am
I have the (4 ingredients) cookbook thefirst in a series by two Australian Mums Kim Cosker & Rachael Bermingham. They had a TV programme a
couple of years ago which screened here (maybe food channel for memory) , the books are available at most book stores, they have some good recipies, however I would get from the Library and check it out first .

standard, May 20, 2:55am
Thanks everyone for your replies...

lindylambchops1, May 20, 3:01am
I have that one too, but it is falling to pieces already!I haven't made much out of it, but regularly make the waffles.It isn't what I call a REAL cook book!

pickles7, May 20, 5:07pm
But, didn't they do well out of the "hype". lol
The cooks who write a book and get on the "box", they have one thing in common.... There grin.

4macmonkies, May 22, 6:35pm

vintagekitty, May 22, 8:13pm
good on them. I have flicked through one, its not a recipe book but an "ideas book", I think

pickles7, May 23, 1:53am
For sure, they did a great job of selling. And no doubt tempted a few people to get back into the kitchen..It truly dose not matter what you do, if your family eats what you make, you are a winner. There are times when we all have to, eat for "fuel".And try and rectify where things went wrong, next time. lol.
The four ingredient book I have is just that. BUT. The four ingredients are for one dish. eg. meat. Then another four ingredients for the green veg.. and another 4 ingredients for potatoes, etc.So if you were having meat and three veg= 16 ingredients all up. All good.

joker13, May 23, 3:09am
I've got it but...I really enjoyed the show but the book seriously does need more ingredients, it was almost too simple. Would be great for beginning cooks or young flatmates

bunny51, Sep 26, 11:10am
I have the first one. I haven't used it very much and have probably used only a handful of recipes, if that. I thought they seemed to use a lot of packets of things and mixes