I have long searched for a recipe for a Vogels-like bread and recently adapted Jim Lahey’s no knead white breadto come up with a loaf that is just like vogels, moist and chewy with a great crust. It is baked in a pre heated cast iron dutch oven with a lid, but a pyrex or ceramic container can also be used. No kneading, just mix up ingredients and let time do the kneading for you. only requires a few minutes hands on time, but requires forward planning as can take up to 24 to 36 hours before ready to bake. Jacquelines slow-rise vogels bread recipe Place the following dry ingredients in a large bowl and mix well, (seeds all optional) ½ cup kibbled wheat ¼ cup kibbled rye 4 cups high grade bread flour 1 cup whole meal flour ¼ cup rolled oats ½ cup sunflower seeds 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds 2 Tbsp Quinoa 3 tbsp flax seed 3 Tbsp chia seeds 3 tbsp sesame seeds 2 tbsp gluten 2 Tbsp skim milk powder 1/3 teaspoon instant yeast 2 3/4 teaspoons salt 3 1/4 cups fridge cold water 1 tsp wine vinegar Add the water and vinegar to the soaked kibbled grain mixture and then pour into the mixed dry ingredients. Mix well until a shaggy dough forms. Cover bowl and dough with a plastic bag and leave in fridge for 3to 12 hours. Take out of fridge and place on bench for 12 -18 hours to rise. Leave for longer if cold weather, it needs to have bubbles forming on the top of the dough when ready When dough is bubbly on top, stir and fold dough over on itself once or twice, using a silicone spatula. Cover and let rest about 15 minutes. 1. Using a spatula, gently shape dough into a ball, folding it over on itself, no kneading necessary. 2. Dust flour over the bottom of the bowl and place the dough seam side down into the bowl. Cover and let rise for about 2 hours. When it is ready, dough will be more than double in size and will not readily spring back when poked with a finger. 3. Half an hour before dough is ready, heat oven to 220 deg C and place the 4 1/2 litre cast iron dutch oven and lid in to heat also. 4. Tip dough gently into hot dutch oven container, seam side up. Sprinkle quickly with water and put lid on pot and place back in oven. (I use a silicone spatula to ease the dough from the sides of the bowl cleanly as I tip it into the bowl. I try to prevent any strands of dough from breaking) 5. Bake 35 minutes then remove lid and bake a further 15 minutes to brown top. Remove from oven, tip bread onto a rack, cover with a tea towel and leave to cool. Do not slice until cool.. The quinoa and all the seeds can be omitted to make a loaf like the "Original Vogels loaf" , costs a lot less but still gives a great textured and chewy bread. I still like to add sunflower seeds if i have them though, they do make it very tasty.
Apr 1, 5:13am
And there are a couple of new cast iron Dutch Ovens currently for sale on TM.
peterbk, just interested...why the silicone spatula and not the hand?
Apr 9, 5:07am
Thanks so much.. have been looking for something like this!
Apr 9, 4:33pm
why the silicone spatula and not the hand?
it will be a very sticky dough- read: no kneading
Apr 9, 4:38pm
Can this recipe be baked in proper bread baking tins.
Apr 9, 6:25pm
Ah, of course.Thanks lilyfield.
Apr 9, 6:45pm
Are you certain the seam side should be down when you are 'proving' and up when you are cooking?
Apr 10, 1:01am
It can be buzzy - it is then breaking open at that spot - making for a "rustic" loaf :)
Apr 10, 4:00am
can you explain "gluten" does this mean gluten flour or does gluten come in some other form which should be used for this recipe?
Apr 10, 4:09am
Yes by gluten I mean gluten flour, I buy it from BinInn. I use a silicone spatula because the dough is very sticky, just so much easier with a spatula. And yes the dough is supposed to end up seam side up when cooking, gives the rustic look but also maybe releases more steam into the dutch oven when baking. Has anyone tried the recipe yet?
Apr 10, 4:17am
Oops i see a mistake in the recipe. I referred to soaked kibbled grains. You dont need to soak the grains but if you do want to soak them first just use a cup of the water and add a cup less when mixing up the dough. I have tried to bake the bread in standard tins but was disappointed with the loaves, they seemed a bit dry but may have been ok if I had cooked for less time. Not nearly as good a crust either.
Could only see that one picture & I like the look of it.Might adjust the recipe for breadmaker & see how it goes.Thanks!
Apr 15, 3:18am
What are 'chia' seeds please? I am not familiar with them.
Apr 15, 3:29am
tiny wee seeds from the mint family. I have yet to try them myself, but I understand they are high in omega3 etc. I am very impressed with Anabel Langbeins no rise bread which is similar to a Vogel's type bread and it remains fresh for a good amount of time.
Apr 15, 5:50am
Thank you for replying Cookessentials.
Apr 15, 4:22pm
Yes I agree with cookessentials Anabels bread is great and I add the chia seeds to the bread its great.I make it a few times a week and it keeps very well and the kids love it!!You can buy the chia seeds off trademe and they are very good for you.cheers
Apr 15, 4:49pm
just curious - the cost of all those ingredients is far more expensive than just buying a loaf from the supermarket?!
Apr 15, 5:00pm
It would be for a start but when have them, you should get a lot more than one loaf.
Apr 29, 5:16pm
Thanks Peterbk I just made this bread but put it in x2 terracotta flower pots (no flowers and new pots!!)Put a bowl of water into the oven with the bread for the whole cooking and it came out amazing!!!!Only cooked for 40 mins total though and it was ready. Thanks so much for this recipe, dont think ill be buying bread anymore!
Apr 29, 5:17pm
Thank you ! Thank you ! Thank you !
Apr 30, 5:16pm
Thanks Peterbk I just made this bread but put it in x2 terracotta flower pots (no flowers and new pots!)Put a bowl of water into the oven with the bread for the whole cooking and it came out amazing!Only cooked for 40 mins total though and it was ready. Thanks so much for this recipe, dont think ill be buying bread anymore!
Apr 30, 11:26pm
what book is the bread in,ofannabels called.
May 13, 2:08am
Here is my costing for the basic "vogels-like" loaf without any seeds (which still tastes great, and a nicer texture i think):
$1.04 for 675gm champion white high grade flour @$7.99 per 5kg $0.27 for 90 gm Kibbled Wheat @ $3.00 per kg BinInn $0.15 for 45 gm Kibbled Rye @ $3.40 per kg BinInn $0.05 for 1/3 tsp Tasti active yeast @$3.77per 130g (78 servings) $0.01 for 2 tspns (10g) salt (Pam’s iodised table @ $1.65 for 2kg $0.06 for ¼ cup (22g) rolled oats (Pams @ $375 for 1.5 kg
$0.30 for electricity cost for oven use (220°C for 1 hr [including heating-up time])
$1.88 = Total cost for 1460gm loaf of bread (almost twice the size of a store bought 750gm vogels original loaf) The cost of $1.88 for a 1.460kg loaf works out at approx 13 cents per 100 gm, or 97.5 cents per 750 gm loaf.
Total cost for a homemade version of the 750 gm loaf of original multigrain vogels bread works out at less than $1.00 dollar. The 'original vogels loaf' costs over $4.00 at supermarkets I havent costed a loaf with all the added seeds, but i dont think you can buy a vogels or supermarket loaf that even compares with it.
May 13, 2:55am
still making this bread and loving it, have not purchased bread in weeks!!Thank you for the costing peterbk
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