The kereru birds are scoffing heaps of them but I still have heaps of guava's that I'd like to make jam or jelly with but wouldn't have a clue how to go about it.Does anyone have any good recipes for me please?
Mar 27, 2:34am
This one for Feijoa and Guava Jelly is lovely, its out of and old Women's Weekly book.
Feijoa and Guava Jelly
1.25 kilos feijoas 1 kilo apples 500 grams guavas water sugar Cut up all fruit roughly and cover with water. Boil for about an hour or until pulped. Strain through a jelly bag overnight. Measure the juice and allow three-quarters of a cup of sugar to each cup of juice. Boil the juice and add sugar, stirring until dissolved. Boil briskly for about 10 minutes or until a setting test is reached. Pour into hot, dry jars. Seal when cold. Makes about 6 cups.
Mar 27, 10:59pm
mine is just a basic jelly recipe. and quite simple. In a preserving pan or similar sized pot, put guava's. no need to weigh. Add 1 stick of rhubarb if you have access to any (not important though) Cover with water and bring to the boil. Simmer until fruit is mushy ... well cooked. Strain through fine muslin or an old clean tea towel. DO NOT SQUEEZE under any circumstances otherwise jelly will go cloudy. Measure liquid back into the pot and briing back to boil. Add 3/4 cup of sugar to every cup of liquid and also add the juice of 1-2 lemons. Bring up to a Rapid/rolling boil after adding sugar and maintain this, stirring occasionally, until jelly is ready. Test at intervals for setting. Pour into hot sterilised jars and seal.
Mar 31, 5:55am
on hubby's account now - thanks for these recipes - will give them ago before those birds devour the lot!
Mar 31, 9:28pm
Heres a recipe from a Norfolk Island recipe book my nan used to make. Guava Jelly.2 quart measure of quavas - sugar and water.Almost cover the guavas with water and boil for 1 1/2hours or until colour is all extraced.Strain thru a jelly bag. Measure the strained liquid allowing 1 cup of juice to 1 cup sugar. Boil quickly until it gives the setting test.Bottle. This jelly sets easily and keeps well.
Mar 31, 9:31pm
Heres another recipe from the same book.Pulp guavas, add a little water to prevent from burning and boil thoroughly. Put into jelly bag and leave to strain overnight. Measure juice and add 3/4 cup of white sugar to 1 cup of juice and for every 9-10 cups allow 1 cup strained lemon juice. Boil quickly until jelly will set when cool.
Apr 11, 7:14am
awesome!just (stupidly) started a new thread for this but yes mr-and-mrs THIS is the recipe I've been after so thanks very much ;-)
Apr 11, 7:16am
thanks for the tip cvgl about NOT squeezing the fruit so that there's no clouding - it's these kind of tips that impress upon me what a cool place "recipes" is
Apr 28, 11:54pm
We have two trees of feijoa trees and one guava for years i have been meaning to make jam and jelly .Well i finally done it" just finished making feijoa&guava jelly last night worked out fantastic lovely colour clear and it set just right. IT has inspired me to do more
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